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  1. ty_05_f

    Colorful hiker shroom

    Is this like the same one you have?
  2. ty_05_f

    Zoanthid problem

    I had your same problem on a not so common colony. But what I did was close up all my zoos before i pasted the aptaisia and I ran my finger on the top so they closed up. I don't know if it would help but I think they would have a better chance closed up then open.
  3. ty_05_f

    Glowing Fish / 1000 posts

    All the glowing fish are sterile so they can't produce offspring. Good job on making the 1000mark
  4. ty_05_f

    My upgrade Pictures

    Well the corals are starting to fill up now since I fragged my colt and I got a really big blue and neon greenish yellow zoanthids.:D
  5. ty_05_f

    My upgrade Pictures

  6. ty_05_f

    Fish for a 90 gal reef

    I think the tang would be just fine but i'm not sure about two of them.
  7. ty_05_f

    My upgrade Pictures

    Thanks :happyfish
  8. ty_05_f

    Fast growing corals/plants???????

    Green Star polyps and Colt coral grow so fast.
  9. ty_05_f

    My upgrade Pictures

    The valley looks bigger now since i fragged my colt the other night. :joy:
  10. ty_05_f

    My upgrade Pictures

    Here is how I did it. I know its not the best way but it worked. I filled my new tank half full with saltwater then I added the new dead sand and the Deep sand Bed from my Refugium. After it all settled and was clear I added the fish and corals to my refugium and shut the pump from the main...
  11. ty_05_f

    My upgrade Pictures

    I like it alot better more places to put corals and addition of new fish. I already want a bigger one.
  12. ty_05_f

    prices of corals...

    i just paid 40 for some yellow blue zoanthids on a very large rock.
  13. ty_05_f

    My upgrade Pictures

    Whats wrong with being an OU fan Thanks for the compliments guys and gals.
  14. ty_05_f

    My upgrade Pictures

    I bought the xenia for 10 Bucks and it was attached to the sponge so the lady gave it to me for free. I know nothing about sponges but it is looking good.:yes:
  15. ty_05_f

    My upgrade Pictures

    After upgrade 58 Gallon Oceanic
  16. ty_05_f

    My upgrade Pictures

    Before upgrade 25 gallon.
  17. ty_05_f

    Quick Question On Tansfering tanks

    I did the same thing a couple weeks ago moved my 25 - 58 gallon. All I did was got my tank setup with the new sand and let it sit for a day or two then I added the dsb from my fuge to my tank. After all that I moved my fish and corals to a spare 10 gallon that was my fuge. I let everything...
  18. ty_05_f

    My 55 Tall

    Wow i havnt ever seen a 55 tall it looks pretty sweet. :yes:
  19. ty_05_f

    My new Fuge Stand

    Pretty cool :yes:
  20. ty_05_f

    What is your most colorful fish?

    Here is a pic