I loved my peppermint shrimp always charging ya when you put your hand in the water. Sadly he dissapeared without a trace. What gets me is I fed him too.
Well It was almost a year old but since christmas came along it was all converted into my new 58 gallon.
Colt coral-fragged it so there is alot in there
Green Star polyps-tons of this stuff
Tree coral
Green flourescent mushrooms
Normal purply mushrooms <...
My mother is doing the buying, lol, and she thinks that fish, well lets just say she doesnt think its the prettiest in the sea. I asked her why and she said it's shape? I don't know but I thank you for your help. I really appreaciate it.:happyfish
actually my damsel isnt very aggressive but I wouldnt keep such a peaceful fish as a mandarin. Any good schooling fish besides the chromis I could keep??
Yeah I was thinking maybe a pair of ocellaris. Anyone else with some fish recomendations? I had a clown but he got stuck in the powerhead. I really felt bad.