Not so Shy Cleaner Shrimp

bang guy

I've said this before a few times
but to avoid having shy Cleaner Shrimp you should hand feed them regularly.


Active Member
I loved my peppermint shrimp always charging ya when you put your hand in the water. Sadly he dissapeared without a trace. What gets me is I fed him too.


Hey Bang....what'd ya feed that little guy? Whatever it was he's was very happy to get it!
My LFS guy says I should keep my hands outta the tank. But wouldn't a good wash in warm water make my hands safe to feeding and such?
I do handle lots of chemicals and whatnot throughout my week. I'm a SAHM and we got diapies to change, pottys to scrub and bottles to wash.
What do you do before feedings that clean your hands without soap?


Active Member
I enjoy hand feeding mine too. My new little one is still a little shy though. Gotta feed the big one first.
I wash my hands/arms/fingernails with a regular anti-bacterial soap and rinse very thoroughly.



Originally posted by karajay
I wash my hands/arms/fingernails with a regular anti-bacterial soap and rinse very thoroughly.

Thanks Kara!


so bang you are saying that if i hand feed my shrimp... even my new cbs.. they will be more active and less shy?
mike :happyfish

bang guy


Originally posted by jrpage
Hey Bang....what'd ya feed that little guy?

A piece of Krill. Yummy :jumping:

bang guy


Originally posted by fishman88
so bang you are saying that is i hand feed my shrimp... even my new cbs.. they will be more active and less shy?

I'm only familiar with Cleaner Shrimp. I've never had a Coral Banded. :confused:



Originally posted by Bang Guy
I'm only familiar with Cleaner Shrimp. I've never had a Coral Banded. :confused:

ohh ok but if i feed my cleaner he will be less shy?
mike :happyfish

nm reef

Active Member pair of cleaners have never acted shy at all! Even without regular hand feedings. Mine are visable most of the day...especially when I feed the reef. My peppermints tend to stay hidden...but even they will be out when there is food available.
Great pic bang....:)

bang guy

Peppermint Cleaners are similar to the Blood Cleaners.. they are nocturnal and need a little training to be out all day (food).


Bang I LOVE your pics....Just don't think I can do that:rolleyes:
I think it would freak me out, kinda like a spider. I know Mind over Matter - Mind over Matter.
I can just see me wiggin out and flinging the thing across the tank:D
I think I'll just enjoy vicariously:happy:


Active Member
I have had my cleaner clean my hand before...little bugger pinches though! Can't say I enjoyed it much.


Active Member
well mine was so close to going on my hand.. but dove behind a rock.. does it tickle, becuase im real ticklish



Originally posted by Buzz
I have had my cleaner clean my hand before...little bugger pinches though! Can't say I enjoyed it much.

Ha ha - pinched by a shrimp...................kinda sounds like my luck in high school:joy:


Active Member
I used to feed human fingers to my cleaner shrimp so they wouldn't be shy but, now I can't get anyone to give up anymore digits:nope: