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  1. nerdy


    I always had heard that a rule of thumb was to have 2 hermits per gallon and that will get rid of hair algae! Anyway I did this when I had a problem years back and they took care of my hair algae within a week. They usually will kill each other off with time so you don't have to worry about...
  2. nerdy

    haha new pic

    Is the really blurry one a candy cane??
  3. nerdy

    Way better pics of My redone tank

    Much better pics!
  4. nerdy

    Suicidal Fish

    I also used egg crate. And I even went so far as to cover it with screen from a screen door. I've had far to many diamondback gobies jump out on me to continue to have them jump out on me!
  5. nerdy

    angelfish question

    I agree with blueface. It is like flipping a coin. Some may nibble away at corals and some won't!
  6. nerdy

    Before - During - Ongoing

    Bravo! Quite a nice improvement!
  7. nerdy

    Redid my tank/tell me what you think.

    Good rock formations. Any before pics to compare it too?
  8. nerdy

    First Time posting pic, be gentle...

    Try taking the picture with your flash off and with the room completly dark. The light from the aquarium will be enough to bring the picture out.
  9. nerdy

    A few new things...

    Nice coral and a good deal. I have one myself!!
  10. nerdy

    Attn: Southern Ontario

    Anyone out there from southern Ontario that could tell me a LFS that carries emerald crabs. I have some bubble algae that I want to get cleaned up and I would lie to try them out. Everywhere that I have seen does not have them.
  11. nerdy

    COTW: Ricordia

    A lot of quality pics here. The one that stood out to me was steveweast's. His colony was just awesome.
  12. nerdy

    I need some reassurance.

    Yellow leathers are a bit more trickier to take care of than a normal leather. You have to make sure that they are in a position that no residue can collect in the middle. They need more light thatn normal leathers. As for not opening and shedding, I know that mine regularily does this and when...
  13. nerdy

    The coolest thing!

    Sounds like a lot of work. But I think that it would be cool to have!
  14. nerdy

    Here are some pics of my tank

    Sweet looking bubble coral!!
  15. nerdy

    A few shots

    Those are very clear nice pics. The one with the kole tang is my favourite!
  16. nerdy

    Feeding BrittleStar

    I throw a algae tablet in twice a week!
  17. nerdy

    Some of my pics

    Thats a nice shot too! Is it a colt??
  18. nerdy

    I'm lookin for a camera...

    My friend just bought a Sony Cybershot. They are priced in the mid range ($500 Canadian) and take a good quality picture!
  19. nerdy

    10 gallon kitchen nano

    Good looking tank!! Must be nice to dine with such a nice view!
  20. nerdy

    Some of my pics

    Nice photos. Beautiful colourful corals!