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  1. nerdy

    atinic lighting

    If you plan to have any corals and want them to thrive and grow I would highly suggest putting them in!
  2. nerdy

    To Nerdy or anyone else.

    My tank is just a normal 35g. I built the canopy and have 2 Philips 20 000k actinics and 2 Coral Life 10 000k bulbs. I have about 60lbs of LR. I have 2 402 powerheads, Lifegaurd fluidized bed, Aquaclear 300, U.S. Aquariums protien skimmer. Fish- 2 Percula clowns 1 royal gramma 1 domino damsel 1...
  3. nerdy

    Maroon found a new home

    Looks good!!!
  4. nerdy

    moss like algae

    What kind of lighting do you have??? Sometimes this can be caused by improper lighting or older light bulbs. Blue legged hermit crabs and turbo snails clean it up nicely!
  5. nerdy

    How did you get into this Hobby ?

    I started in freshwater. I was always going to the LFS nad seeing the salt water section and how much more nicer the stock looked. So I started a little 5 g FO tank. It didn't take long before I got a full blown 35g mini reef. The best thing I have ever done. This hobbie is the best (not to...
  6. nerdy

    Water changes during cycling?

    I agree with alti, I didn't do a water change until the cycle was well over. You don't want to mess with your levels any more than they already are.
  7. nerdy

    I need a cleanup crew

    I have a 35g and I put in blue legged hermits (25) and turbo snails (8) and my tank is preatty clean.
  8. nerdy

    Green hair algaepatches

    Blue legged hermit crabs are good for green hair algae.
  9. nerdy

    Hey everyone, what do you think of my tank so far?

    Very impressive!! Good work.
  10. nerdy

    Green Brittle Star??

    I had one a while back and it cleaned the sand on the bottom and scavanged a lot of leftover food. They are extremely interesting to watch eat. Yet every time I put a cleaner or peppermint shrimp in it dissapeared a few days later. I finally got rid of it!
  11. nerdy

    Why won't my xenia open up

    I add Iodine every other day and they have grown huge and multiplied like wildfire!!!!
  12. nerdy

    HUGE Leather

    This kind of sucks having your best friend on the same post as you. He can make you look like a idiot. Thanks Bosco LOL!!!!!
  13. nerdy

    HUGE Leather

    Even if it was smaller in the display tank at the LFS???
  14. nerdy

    Pleeeasee Hellp Me!

    Reef tank for sure! In my opinion they are so much better to watch!!
  15. nerdy

    HUGE Leather

    Recently (2 weeks ago) I purchased a normal everyday leather coral. In this 2 weeks this leather coral has tripled in size. I add the normal chemicals in my tank (sechem). The only thing that I do differently is add extra Iodide because of my Xenia Polyps and colt coral. Can anyone tell why it...
  16. nerdy

    green hair algae

    I agree with bosco, lights are usually the main cause of green hair algae. If they are older the spectrum you want has faded out. Turbo snails and a bunch of blue hermits will clean it up in no time!!
  17. nerdy

    What the heck is this?

    Does it look like a mushroom?? Pic isn't that clear. Could be elephant ear mushroom, they get HUGE!!!
  18. nerdy

    Older lightbulbs responsible for Cyano maybe?

    Antired is totally coral and fish safe. I have a lot invested in my tank as well and it did not harm anything. All it takes is 2 dosages in one day and the next day the slime algae is gone.
  19. nerdy

    Ok, posted about Cyano being caused by old lights... now, what are the effects of it?

    I am not sure there is much harm to the tank except for an ugly appearance.
  20. nerdy

    A Poll!!!

    Since 98, almost 5 years now!!