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  1. nerdy

    Saturday six blood.....

    Nice photographs!
  2. nerdy

    Things we regret adding?

    I had a boxfish for a while! Then it died and the toxins that it released killed all my prize fish (regal tang etc). Also a carpet anenome that moved all over my tank leaving a destructive path!
  3. nerdy

    Holy cow......6 inch mantis shrimp.

    I would wonder why anyone would want a shrimp that would totally ruin their tank. I've heard that they actually have the potential to break the glass in tanks!
  4. nerdy

    New additions

    I'm jealous. I've also been looking and waiting to pick up some blue mushrooms myself!
  5. nerdy

    Sat night pics

    Great looking pics. Fox coral looks like its doing just fine!
  6. nerdy

    chocolate chip starfish

    Chocolate Chip starfish like to nibble on corals and inverts in my experiences with them. And green brittle stars are reef safe.
  7. nerdy

    My in wall..

    In wall tanks are the most attractive centerpeice for a house!!
  8. nerdy

    Couple of close ups. What do ya think?

    Excellent photography!!
  9. nerdy

    my orange sun coral or your sun corals

    I love this coral! It is so beautiful. My regret is that I didn't create a rock formation that could support it! ( I hear you have to have it shaded from light during the day)
  10. nerdy

    Bubble Algae

    Can anyone tell me what causes bubble algae to grow?? Also does Iodine help it to spread???
  11. nerdy

    What is a good digital camera

    Sony cybershot is preatty good and competitvely priced!
  12. nerdy

    Atlantic Blue Tang

    A lot of people on this board have suggested don't put tangs in small tanks. It is my experince I have found that this is not always true. For the past 3 years I have had a Hippo tang that is approximately 5 inches in length in a 35 GALLON. Not one problem with this has occured. And guess what...
  13. nerdy

    Aquascaping pic:)

    Looks like you have the best of both worlds there!! Good luck, the tanks look awesome!!
  14. nerdy

    Pics of tank with New rock

    Good placement of the rocks!!
  15. nerdy

    New Additions

    Star polypslook really healthy!!
  16. nerdy

    Chocolate Chip Star - How Do They See

    They also graze on soft corals, I learned that out the hard way!!
  17. nerdy

    Pic of my ricordeas

    Very nice!!
  18. nerdy

    DIY in wall tank

    Looks great. Post some pics when the tank is all done!!
  19. nerdy

    queen of the sea

    Absolutely beautiful!!!
  20. nerdy

    Hair algea.......

    Blue legged hermit crabs work really well too!! Sometimes when you add new lights there will be a small algae outbreak. But I don't think that it would last for months. It would also depend on the spectrum of the lights!!