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  1. plum70rt

    Pineapple Coral?

    saw a nice Piece Yesterday, tempted to get it, anyone have any Experience or Pics of this Coral?
  2. plum70rt

    Show Me your Tounge!

    is 39.00 a good score for one that size? I bought it as a Tongue/ slipper, Polyphillia SP? is that it or is a slipper different?
  3. plum70rt

    Show Me your Tounge!

    Coral that is, Check out this guy scored at a LFS for 39.00, 15 inches long , about 6 wide, the biggest tongue I ever saw!!! anyone else got a pic of theirs? and I know I spelled Tongue wrong:confused: , Sorry I cant fix it,
  4. plum70rt

    everybody's favorite part

    watching the tank is high on the list, I also really like the Technical part of it, Lights, Pumps,filters, cooling systems, making RO/DI water,Buying Supplies, its like running a little Factory :)
  5. plum70rt

    New Blue Spot Tang from

    :) Read Here Works great:) Mine is not that Model but works the same way By the way I have 6 tangs, for now;)
  6. plum70rt

    New Blue Spot Tang from

    The Blonde Naso was found at a LFS, very nice fish, All of the Fish in that pic Get along Very well, the 2 foxfaces brawled at the begining then paired off, the Blue spot was QTd or 10 days, he is my new Favorite, until i get my next favorite:)
  7. plum70rt

    New Blue Spot Tang from

    here is a new addition from here , Very happy , very nice Fish,
  8. plum70rt

    roggy23........look here.....changed the title.

    Check out the Blue Spot Tang I got from here, very very nice:)
  9. plum70rt

    roggy23........look here.....changed the title.

    heres mine, about 4 months now,:) Deerfield Beach is not far away from me I love to see their operation,or even pick stuff up from them, I have always have recieved great items from them:)
  10. plum70rt

    jealious wife!

    I had a wife once, they are very Nutritious for fish an anemones:D
  11. plum70rt

    Cleaning Magnet

    I have the hammerhead,works great,:)
  12. plum70rt

    Weekly evaporation rates ?

    1 1/2 to 2 gallons per day
  13. plum70rt

    FS/FT: 20 gallon Nano reef setup

    will you consider shipping to Fla,? got any pics?
  14. plum70rt flame angel

    YES I have one from here about a month now, very nice comes out all the time not shy at all,also got a real nice Blue spot tang in the same order, also very very nice:)
  15. plum70rt

    Wanted : small reef tank in south florida

    anyone? need a tank for the FMAS show;)
  16. plum70rt

    Welcome a new saltwater baby

    Very Cool. Congrads, Never can start teaching them about the tank too early!!
  17. plum70rt


    Your Welcome Chris,did you get the same Xenia as me? the white ones?
  18. plum70rt

    Ordered haddoni carpet from eater?!?

    why not trade him in at a LFS, I love to adopt him, a little far from me though
  19. plum70rt

    southdown sand in south florida

    The screen would have to be of a nylon type, If you are worried about a sand sifter eating pods or worms just leave it out, on your sandbed if you go for a 5 inch you will need 450lbs, 4 inch, 360lbs
  20. plum70rt

    Some additions added from my frag party

    Im not 100% sure but I think thats white Xenia I have, It pulses like mad, , do clove polups do that?