Search results

  1. plum70rt

    water changes

    nitrates ,nitrites, peak then decline, dependes where are you at? also Tap water may have high phosphates , have you tested for phosphates?
  2. plum70rt


    5 parties confirmed, Im going to go to reef life to see what goodies I can find to share, should be a nice day, others who have not confirmed with me for directions please do ASAP,
  3. plum70rt

    Tank size for anenome?

    IMO you will be fine, what kind of anemone are you interested in?
  4. plum70rt

    Mixing Tank Rasied Clownfish?

    yes I have a large tank yes anemones on either side yes both sabae anemones, nothing goes near the carpet, also like to add the perc is tank raised,the maroon is not,
  5. plum70rt

    Mixing Tank Rasied Clownfish?

    I have a tank raised perc, and a maroon goldstripe, together in the same tank, each have their own anemone, but sometimes switch off during the day, but always sleep in their own bed:) , never any problems, the goldstripe is a very good host will pull silversides, and food cubes to the anemone :)
  6. plum70rt

    Green Brittle Star

    the devils triangle of the reef, mysterious fish losses, sounds like my carpet anemone, never caught in the act, but always looks guilty:mad:
  7. plum70rt

    Green Brittle Star

    Banshee, have you lost small fish to your green brittle?
  8. plum70rt


    6 interested people have contacted me and were given my number, I have given directions to 4 , so anyone still interested let me know and I will give you directions
  9. plum70rt

    Wanted : small reef tank in south florida

    Wanted Small reef tank under 55 gallon setup, want to pick up in south fla area, post here or Contact
  10. plum70rt

    Green Brittle Star

    Added a green Brittle Star to my reef the other day, from here, very spunky, much more than my red serpent star, are they know to be more aggressive?, the only fish that he would be in his size range are Damsels, can he catch these guys?
  11. plum70rt


    Oh yeah I have a pool too so you are welcome to bring your suit ,:)
  12. plum70rt

    sponge acclimatization

    what you described is what I do, just take your time,
  13. plum70rt

    Tell Me What Youu Think Of My Tank?

    Nice start, quakers fly around here wild,
  14. plum70rt

    OT: Spring Break

    Every day is spring break for me:)
  15. plum70rt


    Please all remember to call me, Sonic very cool, here is a sample
  16. plum70rt

    Way better pics of My redone tank

    Very nice tank, remember to respond to me if you are coming on Sunday, you can check out my tank in person,:)
  17. plum70rt


    I will take a piece of each,everyone post their wants, and please confirm with me that you will attend, so Hot dogs and burgers good for you guys?,
  18. plum70rt


    Thats right Graham, no 50watters for aquarium use, BTW ever hear of Venture brand bulbs in 10k?
  19. plum70rt


    there are 50 watt MH but they come in very low kelvin, 150 or175 is the way to go , Logan thats a cool avatar isnt it:)
  20. plum70rt


    anytime after noon is good for me, Monchichi8 ever been to reef life in dania?