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  1. ty_05_f

    Run half the carbon all the time

    I keep the pad that came with the filter in all the time things are growing on it including pods and I use the second chamber to switch out the carbon.
  2. ty_05_f

    next coral

    To really get your bubble going don't forget to feed it once in a while. The best time is a little after the lights go out and the bubbles deflate into the tentacles.
  3. ty_05_f

    next coral

    I have pc's and it is doing real well.
  4. ty_05_f

    Whats Carbon For?

    I run it 24/7 but it does get exhausted.
  5. ty_05_f

    next coral

    you have quite a bit of pc lights don't you. You could do a bubble coral.
  6. ty_05_f

    Which pic has the best chance of winning a contest...

    I like the first one.
  7. ty_05_f

    Clownfish Eggs - Day 8

    Ouch, I bet it learned it's lesson
  8. ty_05_f

    Algae Magnet?

    I say Magfloat I LOVE it.
  9. ty_05_f

    Fiji LR BANNED!?

    Clayton for LSU brother of Mark Clayton that would be interesting.
  10. ty_05_f

    Algae on glass

    I use the mag float it works for me.
  11. ty_05_f

    Fiji LR BANNED!?

    Its looking like it's gunna Ohio State. Personally I think they are over rated. It would really be crazy if it was TCU but i don't think that will happen.
  12. ty_05_f

    Fiji LR BANNED!?

    O also those ranked teams we did beat we slaughterd them 52-9 vs. OSU, and 65-13 vs. Texas. Had to throw in some scores.;)
  13. ty_05_f

    Fiji LR BANNED!?

    Tell me what yall are ranked?? Yeah thats right :D
  14. ty_05_f

    My New Friend!

    Thats funny most people are trying to kill them and you buy one. I have to admit they are good looking.
  15. ty_05_f

    Fiji LR BANNED!?

    SEC no way. BIG XII ! Sooners takin it all :D
  16. ty_05_f

    My clwons r stupid

    I have seen a clown host in a condy before but that was only once. It is very unlikely they will.
  17. ty_05_f

    Bubble coral

    I'll give this a bump to see if anyone knows why it has two mouths
  18. ty_05_f

    what filter system should i use

    LR and LS. I also use a powerfilter mainly for circulation and to run carbon.
  19. ty_05_f

    OT: Best Avatars... A contest!

    I never could figure out bangs. I always just thought it was a wierd looking eyeball. Wrassecal mine is so much better lol:D
  20. ty_05_f

    OT: The Best Public Aquarium?

    The only public aquariums I have been to that I remember was the national, and the one at the Oklahoma city zoo. It's sad but the one at the zoo was better.