Search results

  1. plum70rt

    Fox Coral

    as for agression I have not seen a problem with my a peaceful coral,its not to close to anythingthat can reach and touch it, I use Dts too, as far as I can tell Dts is the company name, what it is live Phytoplankton which is a natural food for many reef and sand dwelling invertebrates,,fan...
  2. plum70rt

    Phosphate eliminator

    anyone use Salifert Phosphate eliminator in their tank? if so what are the results or your comments? I use it and it seems to work well for me allows your skimmer to remove the phoshates:)
  3. plum70rt

    how often you clean your skimmer?

    how often do you clean your skimmer? I do once a week to 10 days, is this the average?
  4. plum70rt

    online mix up turnes out good

    congrats:) a buy back is always nice
  5. plum70rt

    Fox Coral

    what do you consider overpriced? Im curious because it seems prices differ from state to state, I paid 45.00 for that one I consider it med 8inchs long , 3 inches wide, I have seen large ones for 80.00 does this sound like a good price?
  6. plum70rt

    Fox Coral

    very good idea:) here is my fox, sort of shaped in a line rather than round, I have it mid tank, med flow, has gotten bigger than this will take a more recent photo tommorrow, this is about 1 month ago, looks great under actinics:)
  7. plum70rt

    RO/DI brand Names Needed tonight please!!

    check out a good site to compare to
  8. plum70rt

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    you have my vote:)
  9. plum70rt

    Fish ideas for reef tank

    wow only 4, there are alot of choices, what color or body style , size, you like? and why only carribean origin?
  10. plum70rt

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    see what happens when you drink the tank water:rolleyes:
  11. plum70rt

    Attention all South Floridians

    could you tell me exactly where that is with directions I would like to check it out, :)
  12. plum70rt

    I HATE my tank

    test your tap water, thats a common cause of red slime algae if you have high phosphates;)
  13. plum70rt

    Are them brain corals any good?

    thats under 50/50 whites and the 03 blue actinics, next I want to put an aquasun in there to give some more pink, my water is great, IMO, 8.3 ph, no nitrate, nitrites, no phosphates, no ammonia, 510 calcium ,which some might think high but works for me:) , 5.5 meq Alk, 1023 salinity,what else?
  14. plum70rt

    Are them brain corals any good?

  15. plum70rt

    Are them brain corals any good?

    I just got this one about 2 weeks ago very nice coral does well with my VHO:)
  16. plum70rt

    Magnet Cleaners

    check out Algae free magnets, I use the Hammerheads Awesome;)
  17. plum70rt

    early merry christmas from slothyville

    :) Very Cool Slothy, Have a Happy:)
  18. plum70rt

    Magnet Cleaners

    do you mean acrylic?
  19. plum70rt

    anyone have purple slugs?

    the one I have and the one above are hypselodoris bullocki, the antenna ae called rinophores, and the back end ones are the gills:) good luck to all, when you read through it suggests that you supplement with spongefood for angels by ocean nutrition which i am going to try
  20. plum70rt

    how big will a naso tang get and will it be small enough for a 90 gallon?

    I have a blonde Naso 7 inch or so with my flame angel ,2 inch or so, they do fine together:)