I have 5 urchins in my tank at first I thought they were pests I now like them ,just have to watch them a little,
Susan I was checking out your site, Cool , you are the goddess of the starfish:)
Sponges are cool:cool: , never expose them to air, lots of flow, they need no special light, add lots of color, algae can smother them keep it in check,
I have a green carpet , yes they move this one moved a little right on top of that alvelopora,:( thats was it for that coral,
and I wanted to see how long it would go too, So beware of the Carpet, I saw one at a LFS the size of a large pizza:eek:
My gold stripe clownfish, goes to 3 different anemones in my tank, a long tentacle, a yellow sabae, and a purple tip sabae, goes back and forth to all three during the day and nite, spends an hour or two at each ,anyone have one that does this?
Great to hear I will let you know how FMAS is, Ever go to Epcot in Disney in Orlando? The Living Seas Exhibit , 6 Million Gallon tank:eek: No Corals, lots of fish, and they make all their own water, How would you like to do a water change on that:confused:
IMO you would not include the sump and this is a lame rule like the watts to gallon rule for lighting many factors come into play depending on what kind of fish, just my 2 cents:)