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  1. melbournefl

    new r/o unit * need a little help *

    Yes you might be able to help me , as I said I will hook up the ro unit in my bathroom , mind as a 3 gal tank and 26 gal a day. I have a 40 gal narrow commercial plactic tank that stands 3 ft high . I will stick that in a corner. But now is the trick what line do I run to this container from...
  2. melbournefl

    new r/o unit * need a little help *

    Don, I'm rushing out the door for work right now but later on today I'll get back to you on your questions, promise. Be care when you "quote" somebody, when you quoted me I almost missed all your comments because they were in the same font and I thought you'd just quoted me and forgot your...
  3. melbournefl

    This Is Crazy

    He/She got flustered and started a new thread instead of replying to "Large Angles (sic)" *sigh* sad sad sad Later, Paul
  4. melbournefl

    large angles

    He got so upset he started whole new thread :eek: I can't believe what this person is saying "I'll just get rid of it ... I like change" Totally irresponsible attitude and I only hope he/she runs out of money before the reefs run out of fish for his/her sadistic pleasures. Oh wait! I'm being too...
  5. melbournefl

    new r/o unit * need a little help *

    Everytime I read horror stories of flooding involving RO units it seems to boil down to one thing ... forgetting to turn off the water LOL The problem with RO units is that they are so damn slow in their production so it's easy to forget you're filling a tank or whatever. Jackson's method is...
  6. melbournefl

    Smallest Tank Size

    The difference is time ... a tiny change in a tiny aquarium can be a disaster, a tiny change in a larger aquarium can be managable. Remember the old saying "only bad things happen in reef tanks quickly" ... or something like that LOL Good luck, Paul
  7. melbournefl

    Not a commercial

    LOL yeah Jim you're right, depending on the tank size it wouldn't be very cost effective, you'ld lose more than your fish ate probably. Shame they can't come up with some other ways of shipping to make the cost more reasonable though. Later, Paul
  8. melbournefl

    thought for the day

    LOL having attended college in Mexico, about 120 klicks south of Mexico City, my poor stomach can handle darn near anything I put in it! RO water for the little fishies though! Later, Paul
  9. melbournefl

    Affordable lighting solution?

    Great Prices, wish I'd known of the site before I ordered PC's yesterday, could have saved almost $30 :( Oh well, next time, thanks for the info! Later, Paul
  10. melbournefl

    Not a commercial

    WOW $20 for shipping seems a bit high but then again they are probably shipped with water and overnight delivery. It's probably about the same shipping if you ordered 1,000 of the buggers though so .... Thanks for the info though :) Later, Paul
  11. melbournefl

    Not a commercial

    ^bump^ cuz I'm interested in hearing opinions also :rolleyes: Later, Paul
  12. melbournefl

    Water top off system.

    Great Idea Scuba! I'm going to steal it in fact :p About how often do you take it apart and clean it? Thanks, Paul
  13. melbournefl

    I need everyones advice.. Please

    1st let me say how sorry I am to hear this horror story. It's really sad when something like this happens in that it's one of those things that we, as reefkeepers, have absolutely no control over. That said, I'd suggest looking in your local yellow pages under "Water Analysis" and spending the...
  14. melbournefl

    Home Depot and MH??

    thanks to slothy's grins, decided to carry this on to the next level ... okay my hood is 2 ft x 6 ft, I figure that I can fit *at least* 108 of the porceline light bulb holders in there @ 16 square inches each. Purchased in "contractor's" pack of 24 @ $18.00 this means I can get all of them for...
  15. melbournefl

    something is wrong with my green chromis

    Lindy, you might check out the wonderful FAQ at the beginning of this board. If I remember correctly, Beth put in almost everything you've ever wanted to know about QT tanks. HTH Later, Paul
  16. melbournefl

    Home Depot and MH??

    Elvis has struck again LOL PLEASE Newbies, resist the temptation to listen to the advice given by this lad! Without even getting into the science of the light spectrum, let's just keep it REAL simple ... with the thousands of reef-keepers out there do you REALLY think that something as simple as...
  17. melbournefl

    MH's - What's the difference between aquarium MH products and plant propagation prod.

    I don't think there's too much to add to what HairTrigger mentioned, it's the Kelvin rating that makes the difference. Also, there is not much cost difference so it wouldn't be worth the risk of excessive algea growth, oh yeah, that's another difference, the lower K rating would also encourage...
  18. melbournefl

    homemade 75 stand

    I just set up my 220 on a DIY stand. Although the stand was perfectly level (or too close for my level to tell any difference), I covered the top of my stand with garage carpeting. Really cheap, looks good and is available from Home Depot or Lowes. HTH Later, Paul
  19. melbournefl

    Ballasts Question

    comparing Ice-Cap to normal output ballasts that is. Ice-Cap ballasts are for VHO bulbs, bulbs that run up to 110 watts or so. Yes you can use normal output ballasts, like those sold in HD and Lowes but they will only drive normal output bulbs, like 40 watts for a 48" bulb, thus it takes about 2...
  20. melbournefl

    Oh Sharks

    are you all using AOL to get here? I have experienced problems on my website by AOL users. You might try logging on to AOL and then minimizing the screen, then start internet explorer (or whatever standalone browser you may have) and using it to access the message board and see if that clears it...