Search results

  1. melbournefl

    sump design for a 110 gal tank?

    From what I've seen in my travels 2" hole = 1" bulkhead. I suggest that when you're shopping for bulkheads, find one that requires exactly a 2" hole, even a little varience can cause great grief, trust someone who has learned the hard way 1.125" DOES NOT equal 1" when it comes to some bulkhead...
  2. melbournefl

    fixing broken tank

    Believe it or not, I think that should work :D I suggest you splurge for marine ply even though in theory the water should never reach it. Good luck and let us know the results. Later, Paul
  3. melbournefl

    Mod Please Read And Delete

    Could one of you *please* check on Newbie forum and help the user posting the "troll" ad for free live rock? LOL this poor person is operating in panic mode and may "flat line" at any moment. Sorry to bug ya' but .... Thanks, Paul
  4. melbournefl

    powerhead or protein skimmer

    Way tooooooo many fish for a tank that size and I'm telling you if you have a MANATEE in there you're REALLY overdoing it the last few we were feeding from the dock easily weighed over 500 pounds! LOL are you sure you're not talking about a Mandarine? I'm going to refrain from further comments...
  5. melbournefl

    Beth is a Bit Scarce

    akkkkk the doctor is out! Hmmmm if it continues much longer the loss of fishy's might justify us all pitching in for a new puter for Beth ;) Hurry back miss beth! Later, Paul
  6. melbournefl

    Dolphin 900 pump

    LOL Christine, makes you wonder doesn't it? I too hope he's not being a smart-ass cuz you're a woman but ... maybe you should try taking your husband in on the next trip and see if the attitude is any different :eek: I read through what he said and he's kinda' right with the flex hose and barb...
  7. melbournefl

    Couple More Questions

    Hello there! Slothy found this little sand calculator on the web and posted it in the Equipment Forum. hope this helps, Paul
  8. melbournefl

    Mh ?

    yoooooo hooooooo Slothyone, don't take a chance of burning your house down, send it to me just to be safe :p Later, Paul
  9. melbournefl

    Check out my movie!

    :D *VERY* cool! Now I wanna buy a vid cam :( Thanks for sharing! Paul
  10. melbournefl

    Dolphin 900 pump

    Okay let's start this with a *semi* fresh mind :) What's the height difference from the pump to the returns inlets? I'm going to guess here and say 3 feet (if I'm too far off let me know) plus 3 90 degree elbows right? I'm going to go out on a limb and make a "guesstimate" that you're probably...
  11. melbournefl

    65 watt Power Compact

    I think your price may be a bit high, new 2 x 55 with reflector, wiring harness and power cord for $62. Just letting you know, not picking on ya' Later, Paul
  12. melbournefl

    messurment lXwXh=?gals

    Dummy me :mad: I transposed 231 to 321 and didn't check my math twice, sorry if I caused any confusion! Sure hope Broomer didn't see this LOL Later, Paul
  13. melbournefl

    bulkhead fittings?

    You might take a look at also, they sell all sorts of bulkhead fittings. Later, Paul
  14. melbournefl

    messurment lXwXh=?gals

    1.3364485 gallons Later, Paul
  15. melbournefl

    Dolphin 900 pump

    Zafira... I'm sorry but it's getting late for me to be thinking, I promise to look at this more on Friday okay. My gut reaction is that if you go with 90 degree "sweeps" rather than "ells" you'll be avoiding *some* of the head pressure but I really need to think more before I answer :) sorry...
  16. melbournefl

    MH Bulbs

    I think last time I looked at them it was like 4500, it *might* have been 5500 but I don't think so. *sigh* Paul
  17. melbournefl

    hey broomer - old manifold

    LOL yeppers FOR SALE: 4 never-used celcon gate valves $$CHEAP$$
  18. melbournefl

    hey broomer - old manifold

    Hey guy, here's what the old closed loop intake manifold looked like before you had to open your mouth LOL
  19. melbournefl

    external overflow question

    Ocean, what program do you use for your drawings? Thanks, Paul
  20. melbournefl

    MH Bulbs

    None of the ones that I've seen at HD have the right properties unfortunately. Wouldn't it be nice if you could pick up a $25 bulb right next door instead of paying $100 and waiting a week to get it? *sigh* gee this is fun! Later, Paul