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  1. worm

    new user

    Welcome to the board! Post that Pic!! We love eye candy!
  2. worm

    Quit Smoking!!!!!

    I'm in! I'm also going to start excercising! Good Luck to everyone!I'm In
  3. worm

    Top-Off Water

    Thanks, Wamp! Can I discontinue adding my Kent Calcium now that I am using Kalk?
  4. worm

    Top-Off Water

    When making your Kalkwasser mixture, how long do you let it stand before actually dripping it into your sump? The directions on my Kent Kalkwasser Mix says to wait several hours. Does this mean to wait for the "crust" to develop on top, or what? thanks for any help ...Happy New Year, too! :D
  5. worm

    How should I setup the sand base in my new reef tank?

    I had the same concerns when setting my tank up. I was thinking if the rock was not on the glass bottom that the rocks could shift and bust the glass walls. Definitely not what I wanted! After talking with friends and these great folks on this board, I decided to put a 4" sand bed (all live...
  6. worm

    Holiday Season eye-candy...

    Are those orange polyps, Sun coral? It is absolutely gorgeous! Wish mine looked that healthy! Awesome pics, NM!! thanks!
  7. worm


    I am a Manufacturing Superintendent for a mass production bakery. ever heard of Sunbeam? oh, btw, BigMac, i don't know if that was a good idea telling everyone what you do ...LOL unless it's Coca-Cola ;) MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!
  8. worm

    lighting question

    well, it all depends on what you plan to keep in the tank. nice size tank btw :) i would go with the metal halides. from me experiencing with both PC's and VHO's. I found myself going with the MH/VHO combination. Deciding on the MH's wattage, I would go with the 400's. You may can do what...
  9. worm

    Cloudy, please help!!

    i totally agree with both replies. i acutally used both. i have a canister filter with two stockings stuffed with carbon (..shh, dont tell my girlfriend :) ) it cleared my water right up. good luck!
  10. worm

    OT: getting to know the people behind the posts

    Yo mamma's sooo fat, she wears a sign on her back that reads CAUTION: WIDE LOAD Yo mamma's soo fat, you have to roll her around in flour to find the wet spot! :eek:
  11. worm

    New Photos - 75 G

    thanks, Rich ! one word ....SWEET!
  12. worm

    Happy Holidays

    Back to ya, M-ROCK! And all of you out there. Happy Holidays and have a safe and Happy New Year, BUT you all best party hard! Merry Christmas!
  13. worm

    anyone pet there fish

    i have a pair of neon gobies that just love it when i put my hand in the tank. my cleaner shrimp is the same as Beth's ...if there is something going on in that tank, he is there! funny thing is, all my inhabitants react when i put my hand in the tank except my mandi gobie. She could care...
  14. worm

    What kind of mushroom's are these?

    yep! very nice ;)
  15. worm

    My crappy Xenia

    is your pH stable? I hear those guys can truely tell when your pH is not stable. HTH
  16. worm

    anyone that uses moonbeams

    yeah, i have those exact lights. here's the thing though. they come with wire that's about 10 feet long (may be exagerating a little) but you have to coil them up and those big coils get in the way. Another thing, those suction cups wear out. I mean, they fall off often, and if you want to...
  17. worm

    Who was looking for dimers on a 660 ballast? check this out!
  18. worm

    Water Info

    I ran across some information I thought would be good enough to share...
  19. worm

    Your Favorite VHO 4 bulb combo?

    Personally - I like the "look" of the corals with (2) Actinics (1) Aquasun (1) 50/50 Starting from the back of tank to front, what order are these bulbs in? I didn't figure out the "quoting" style you guys use....
  20. worm

    Hello To all

    1st off, welcome to the board! :) It may take a short time for the shrimp to eat those pesky suckers! Another way you can try is get a small turkey baster. suck up some hot water in it and CAREFULLY blow the hot water on the apatasia. Be careful with surrounding! Move items if have to. If...