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  1. worm

    Hello all (New guy)

    welcome! :D
  2. worm

    55 gallon!

    i agree with mlm, i have a 55 and gosh i wish i had the extra room like a 75! about the tang, i don't think it will be bad as he is a juvi, but yes, he will outgrow that tank. IMO :)
  3. worm

    A Poll - Live Sand vs Crushed Coral

    i did crushed coral for about 8 months and switched with a DSB with LS. I did the change while moving (seemed like the perfect opportunity). Go with the DSB of LS, or as much LS as you can ;) good luck! oh, just in case you ask later ...remove all the crushed coral because if you just put the...
  4. worm

    Underwater Photos!!!!!!!!!!!!

    very nice pics!
  5. worm

    OT: Working on sat sucks

    Well, it's Sunday morning, and I'm at work. I work for a mass production bakery and I work crazy hours! but my bills are paid :)
  6. worm

    How does this look so far?

    awesome! you oughta design some type of scrolling screensaver and email it to me :)
  7. worm

    feather duster placement

    great minds think alike ;)
  8. worm

    Pictures of my friend's tank!

    very nice!
  9. worm

    feather duster placement

    anywhere there is good current. i've seen them stabbed in the sandbed, stuck in holes of rocks (as you mentioned), and even banded to rocks. whichever paints your "portrait", make it happen. they are filter feeders and do not recommend a specific amount of light. HTH and KEEP REEFING! :D
  10. worm

    Just bought a Brain Coral...Please look at it

    yeah, jon, out with the recipe! can't be teasing people like that ;)
  11. worm

    HELP! angel fish dieing!

    what was in the bucket before you filled it with new water? do you normally wait that long to let water mix with the salt? i am assuming that is why you waited until thursday to do the actual change. i really don't think waiting that long for water and salt to mix. especially if you are only...
  12. worm

    What will i need 4 coral

    it looks like sea mat to me.... those would need better lighting to survive. as mentioned earlier, I would invest in lighting before corals.
  13. worm


    It's all in what you want to keep. Your selection would be very limited. You can start with mushrooms and some types of polyps to get started. You can read my sig at the bottom just to give you an idea of the type of lighting I have on my 55. good luck.... If you are looking to upgrade, check...
  14. worm

    Eye Candy.........

    very nice, very nice indeed. impressive talent with the camera too... :D
  15. worm

    new pics of tank

    very nice, thanks! can't wait for more ;)
  16. worm

    what's my sun coral's problem?

    mine did the same thing. i cut the top of a 2 liter coke plastic bottle and set it over the coral. with the cap open, swirted mysis and brine shrimp in the opening of the bottle. works pretty well, and after month having them, they all open, and pretty much at the same time of day. i even...
  17. worm

    O.T. remember that old post?

    Hi, I'm Bob, and I'm a reefaholic.... ....hi, Bob I knew I was in trouble when I came across a website that had this slammin' message board that I could confidently talk to other reefaholics. Bad thing is, they know they're reefaholics, too!! :p
  18. worm

    Free U-Build It Package to 50th reply to this post

    :p Is it too late??!!??
  19. worm

    Green Sea Mat

    was wondering if they should be placed on the sandbed or find a cozzy spot in my LR ? if curious about my lighting, its in my signature. thanks for any help, comments! HAPPY REEFING! :D
  20. worm

    Magazine Options?

    Aquarium Fish, here...