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  1. sula

    Four day vacation - what to do?

    What kind of fish and what size tank? I agree 4 days shouldn't be a problem, you could also put an algae sheet in to give them something to nibble on...
  2. sula

    I'm back

    Welcome back
  3. sula

    Looks like I've got some research to do

    Originally Posted by subielover That is awesome, I wonder what color they will be? Is there a more dominant gene in them as far as coloring? Good luck and keep us updated! Most people say it's about a 50/50 thing...
  4. sula

    Looks like I've got some research to do

    Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy its gonna be impossible to get those eggs out huh? Not a chance...
  5. sula

    Looks like I've got some research to do

    And Papa ...
  6. sula

    Looks like I've got some research to do

    Oh yea, and here's Momma fish standing guard at the entrance
  7. sula

    Looks like I've got some research to do

    So I have these ocellaris clowns, who live in a mixed reef. There are many potential hosts for these clowns: hammers, frogspawns, torch, leather, brains, zoanthids, an elegance (very glad they don't use it) and even 2 RBTAs. My clowns ignore all these potential dwellings, and choose to inhabit a...
  8. sula

    2 types need copmmon names/Id

    The orange ones look like Creamsicles to me
  9. sula

    DT has no pods

    I think sixline wrasses will eat pods, probably the shrimp goby also
  10. sula

    Coral Feeding

    Mysis shrimp would be a good place to start...
  11. sula

    Awesome, Awesome Zoa Pics

    Simply gorgeous!
  12. sula

    Awesome, Awesome Zoa Pics

    Hella Sexy Paly !!!!!! Please send.... NOW!!!!!
  13. sula

    YOU Can help Me? BTA

    In answer to your question, the way you rid your tap water of it's impurities is by filtering it with an RO/DI unit - stands for Reverse Osmosis/ De-Ionization. As for your second comment, you posted 3 times in 4 minutes, keep in mind this is not a chat room with us all waiting with bated...
  14. sula

    a little help?

    Originally Posted by tdog7879 MR_X do you supplement any of your tanks?? If so what do you use? Why would supplementing be bad if you no what your working with? I'm not Mr X but here's my opinion: adding trace elements like strontium and iodine can be dangerous because their normal...
  15. sula

    the thermos blind trade

    Originally Posted by Mr_X when they show up at your door, you can take pics of them and show them off here! sula..are you after me? i thought fats71 was? "Morval Matt B Silver Dak clownfish 11 FLricordea MR X fats71 rebel pretty boy shaun larlee" You are correct, I am after Shaun Larlee. I...
  16. sula

    the thermos blind trade

    Originally Posted by Mr_X me, i believe. Oh good, do we finally get to see the mystery frags?
  17. sula

    Elegance Coral being eaten by my Scarlets?

    wwf, everyone has a different opinion on this so I am not in the least implying that I am an authority, but I personally do not think your skimming will make any difference. Most people who successfully keep an elegance feed it meaty foods on a regular basis. Does yours take food? Something...
  18. sula

    Distance from your home

    120 miles
  19. sula

    Picasso not eating

    I think white poop and not eating can be indicative of some type of infection - you might want to start reading up on treatments in the disease section just in case.....
  20. sula

    my tanks before Gustav

    Crossing my fingers for you....stay safe!