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  1. seeweed

    Live Rock

    i am interested and i live on long island
  2. seeweed

    need to sell our tank!!

    i may be interested in your tank ....i live on long island but i am willing to find a way to get it here
  3. seeweed

    100 Gallon Tank in DFW

    hey did you sell that tank yet? i am in the process of upgrading and i didnt buy my tank yet
  4. seeweed

    2 clowns 1 anemone

    if i have a pair of clowns and only 1 anemone..keeping in mind i had to buy the clowns as a pair and they stay side by side....should i be getting another anemone so they dont have to share the same one
  5. seeweed

    pair of clowns- do i need keep them away from my other fish?

    i recently bought a pair of clowns who seem to be great together......i have a 55 g tank with a yellow tang, fire shrimp, 2 star fish, snails and crabs.....if the clowns mate will they eat the babies or how would i even know?
  6. seeweed

    adding sand to a tank

    thats a good idea, thanks guys
  7. seeweed

    adding sand to a tank

  8. seeweed

    adding sand to a tank

    i added sand to my 55g tank yesterday and it is clearing up already ....although the live rocks are so dirty is there a good way to clean them off?
  9. seeweed

    when wil it clear up?

    how long should a 55g tank take to clear up? after adding sand in a tank with 3 fish and 70 lb of live rock?
  10. seeweed

    someone please respond adding sand

    i added sand to a tank that has rock and a few fish i svery cloudy will everything be alright? is there something else i could do?
  11. seeweed

    News Story - Don't Release Your Fish Into The Ocean!

    i live in ny on long island and the local news atetd that they found lion fish in out waters a few months ago
  12. seeweed

    is my setup ok?

    hey i also have a 55g tank with a protein skimmer pump i added a a power jet to filter the water ...i have 70 pounds of live rock and the lighting system with 4 blue lights and 4 regular lights and it has the moon light at night...i was told this was seems that my water has a lot of...
  13. seeweed

    55g tank+rock= lbs?

    hey i also have a 55g tank with a protein skimmer pump i added a a pwer jet to filter the water ...i have 70 pounds of rock and the same lighting system with the moon light at night...i was told this was seems that my water has a lot of movement
  14. seeweed

    fish in too early

    i put a tang and 2 shrimp in my tank ...........a tank that is only about 5 days old....i am now aware of the cyclying spike that occurs...........i feel bad because the fish are doing really well right now and the tang is swimmimg all over (looks happy).....i checked my ph and amonia level and...
  15. seeweed


    thanks for your help majic carp, i am going to see if i can get someone to hold the fish in their tank ,....
  16. seeweed


    how do you know when a fish is stressed? and can they grow out of being stressed?
  17. seeweed

    can they survive

    what exactly do you mean by stressed?
  18. seeweed

    can they survive

    what do you mean? they will be stressed from the conditions?
  19. seeweed

    can they survive

    i have my fish tank running for only three days and i have now learned about cycling .............i have already put in 2 shrimp and 1 yellow tang ......can they survive?