Search results

  1. lurch694u

    Whats the best way to ship Xenia?

    What about the thermos technique? I heard that would work good with clippings.
  2. lurch694u

    Cheap price on PC's

    Found a link for 55watt pc's 15.00 and 96watt pc's 19.00 Cheap pc's
  3. lurch694u

    Lighting for 46g bowfront.

    Here is one that might work for ya. ---- Item
  4. lurch694u

    My DIY CaCO3 reactor

    Draw it out and I'll convert it to standard...
  5. lurch694u

    "Via Aqua" lighting problem. Please help...

    Took some searching but found the website. The company that makes viaaqua is called commodityaxis. Via Aqua by Commodity Axis
  6. lurch694u

    Horseshoe Crab

    I heard they grow to be pretty big.
  7. lurch694u

    german mh bulbs

    The 250w 10k Ushio are awesome! They are german bulbs.
  8. lurch694u

    Toadstool went limp

    Hey buddy keep it clean! :D j/k Mine does the same thing every once in a awhile. Is he shedding his top layer of slime?
  9. lurch694u

    What do flame angels eat?

    Try soaking some flakes in some garlic extreme. That might intice him to eat.
  10. lurch694u

    alk/ph/ca - am I on the right track?

    Now those seachem products do you drip them or mix them in your topoff water. Thinking about buying some.
  11. lurch694u


    So your telling me that the snake oil isn't increasing my alk/cal level? :(
  12. lurch694u

    Turbo Snails - Death?!

    Mine would fall off the glass and my cleaner shrimps would think it is lunch time.
  13. lurch694u

    PC Overhaul??

    Bump! DvSkin whats your opinon on the bulbs on the back half of my canopy. It lights the tank really good. Maybe I should have them angle in on a 45 deg angle?
  14. lurch694u


    Sorry just on the defensive side lately. :(
  15. lurch694u

    DIY Skimmer design

    That is Awesome! I want one!
  16. lurch694u


    :confused: ????? Didn't understand that begginning sentence. Killafins if thats what you think then flame away on me. I don't care. It doesn't make sense to flame anybody on here. Were all here for the same thing.
  17. lurch694u


    Originally posted by IswimNOTchoke dacia y did u decide to start having fish? j/w b/c u have nemo icon and uve jsut started after the movie AND ur getting clowns Why are you flaming people so much? We visit this site for info and to relate with people. You know, kinda like long distance...
  18. lurch694u

    help with sump/refug for 150 reef

    Home depot and lowes sell 1/2 thick fiberglass that would work really well for chamber dividers. That is my next project.