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  1. lurch694u

    Just saw this on Yahoo(nemo thing)

    Finding nemo 2 Nemo finds out that his dad is under going a --- change! :eek:
  2. lurch694u

    UV Sterilizers good or bad

    Krux, I been running a uv sterilizer on my reef and concluded the same thing you said. My corraline is pretty crappy and i keep my calcium up around 420. Anybody want a aquaUV 15watt sterilizer real cheap? Oh ya will my corraline start growing real strong?
  3. lurch694u

    Standard MH ballast and AB bulb?

    whats a AB bulb?
  4. lurch694u

    Ok all you Kalkwasser users

    The article said to add 15ml of vinegar per liter of water. I'm lazy, so does anybody know how much vinegar to put into a gallon of water. Plus you add 1 tsp of kalkwasser per gallon right? :confused:
  5. lurch694u

    Ok all you Kalkwasser users

    The article said to add 15ml of vinegar per liter of water. I'm lazy, so does anybody know how much vinegar to put into a gallon of water. Plus you add 1 tsp of kalkwasser per gallon right? :confused:
  6. lurch694u

    Ok all you Kalkwasser users

    The article said to add 15ml of vinegar per liter of water. I'm lazy, so does anybody know how much vinegar to put into a gallon of water. Plus you add 1 tsp of kalkwasser per gallon right? :confused:
  7. lurch694u

    Best Anemone For Skunk Clown

    Orange Skunk Clowns are normally found with an anemone in the wild, which they require for protection. Though many will be more comfortable in captivity when an anemone is provided for them, it is not necessary. If a host anemone is not provided, you should give your Orange Skunk Clown some...
  8. lurch694u

    adding tangs with other tangs

    I have a yellow tang first then i added a regal tang second and they get along just fine. I heard as long as the tangs are two different shapes they won't fight each other. Just don't add like a purple tang or black tang. They are the same shape as the yellow.
  9. lurch694u

    DIY refug out of a 10 gallon?

    ok i guess everybody ignored my advice:(
  10. lurch694u

    "Finding Nemo"

    Here is the link to the CBS's Killing Nemo :mad:
  11. lurch694u

    Big Sabae anemone, will he split?

    My bubbletip anemone has split...:D
  12. lurch694u

    DIY refug out of a 10 gallon?

    Just run a bigger pump and put a ball valve on it to fine tune the water flow.
  13. lurch694u

    West Texas Dust Storm

    I live in Arizona and we get them all the time. Monsoon season is coming real soon can't wait:p Its great,it blows dirt all over your car then it follows up with rain to make your car muddy.
  14. lurch694u

    "Finding Nemo"

    In addition to emailing tetra at phone and leave a message for the President at 1 800 526 0650 press 2 Also fill out the 5 second form to the German President at but be very polite but firm. It will get results Do this now. It takes 5...
  15. lurch694u

    Lighting question

    I have a jbj pc on my tank that has that clear plastic splash shield. My question is that it gets salt creep all over it and makes it real hazey. Doesn't that cut down on the power of the light to the tank? I was thinking of mounting it up higher in my canopy. I have a foot tall canopy that...
  16. lurch694u

    Christmas Wrasse? Reef Safe????

    Halichoeres nigrescens
  17. lurch694u

    Christmas Wrasse? Reef Safe????

    How about a diamond wrasse. Halichoeres nigrescens
  18. lurch694u

    Christmas Wrasse? Reef Safe????

    definitly not a lunare but probably one of his evil brothers. Lunare Wrasse
  19. lurch694u

    Any reefers in AZ???

    Adam write down your phone # here or email it to me at: I don't think my email are getting thru