If it is arcylic I guess you can melt it back together or get arcylic glue. I don't know if superglue would work on arcylic. Just my thought, might be wrong....
If your willing to ship some I will pay all cost for shipping. If it doesn't make it alive I will not hold you responsible.
Let me know...
I just bought the two bottle pack last week and I am starting to see a inprovement in my corraline growth. I ordered a calcium test kit to test the calcium so I don't know if it has raised it any.
Let us know how your progress is coming.:D
How much would it cost to ship the 29gal and accessories to Phoenix, AZ??? I would definitly be interest in the 29 gallon.
Also could U send a pic of the 29 gallon???
I just wanted to know if there is any saltwater hobbyist in Arizona??
Oh ya Opazen if your still out there I want to trade frags again.
I lost your email.
Thanks guys you have been helpful as always!:) I would get rid of the sand sifting star I just don't know how to get rid of him. Maybe the fishstore would take him on trade. If not anybody want to trade for some of those snails?:D :D
I had him for so long its makes me kinda of sad to give up a...
I was just wondering if there is a way to clean the sand. I have a sand sifting star, a fighting conch, hermit crabs, and turbo snails.
They just don't seem like they are doing anything besides wiping out my pod collection. Any ideas?