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  1. lurch694u

    broken overflow

    opazen leave your phone # here or email it to me at I don't think my emails are getting thru...
  2. lurch694u

    Question for Sharks

    Are there any plans on turning on the private messaging feature on the bulletin board?
  3. lurch694u

    broken overflow

    opazen you got mail:D
  4. lurch694u

    Help Please

    When i put my yellow tang in my tank the green hair algae disapeared in a few weeks. Just a thought...
  5. lurch694u

    broken overflow

    If it is arcylic I guess you can melt it back together or get arcylic glue. I don't know if superglue would work on arcylic. Just my thought, might be wrong....
  6. lurch694u

    Response from Tetra

    Someone should ask tetra about a red tree sponge growing out of control and out of the tank! You guys remember that story?:D
  7. lurch694u

    pics fish

    Did you follow the CBS morning show advice and put all those fish in a 5 gallon? Thats the new standard according to tetra.:p
  8. lurch694u

    The Basics of Aiptasia

    Found out the brand that sells that "stop aiptasia"
  9. lurch694u

    pics of my 20g nano

    Awesome tank! I'm jealous! Looks like that clown took right away to that clam! :p
  10. lurch694u

    Any reefers in AZ???

  11. lurch694u

    i need to get rid of xenia

    If your willing to ship some I will pay all cost for shipping. If it doesn't make it alive I will not hold you responsible. Let me know...
  12. lurch694u

    Cooling fan question???

    I haven't really noticed the light coming out the fan holes. fanholes is that a bad word?:p
  13. lurch694u

    B-Ionic users opinions please.....

    I just bought the two bottle pack last week and I am starting to see a inprovement in my corraline growth. I ordered a calcium test kit to test the calcium so I don't know if it has raised it any. Let us know how your progress is coming.:D
  14. lurch694u

    Selling 29 and 55 gal Oceanics

    How much would it cost to ship the 29gal and accessories to Phoenix, AZ??? I would definitly be interest in the 29 gallon. Also could U send a pic of the 29 gallon??? Tanks, Jeff
  15. lurch694u

    Is there a way to clean sand?

  16. lurch694u

    Any reefers in AZ???

    I just wanted to know if there is any saltwater hobbyist in Arizona?? Oh ya Opazen if your still out there I want to trade frags again. I lost your email.
  17. lurch694u

    OT: my new toy

    WOW! beautiful bike! I am jealous... I had a 97 YZF 750. Then I got married. You can probably guess the rest from there.:p
  18. lurch694u

    Is there a way to clean sand?

    I guess their potty mouths! :eek: Will my pod collection comeback when I remove the sandsifting starfish?
  19. lurch694u

    Is there a way to clean sand?

    Thanks guys you have been helpful as always!:) I would get rid of the sand sifting star I just don't know how to get rid of him. Maybe the fishstore would take him on trade. If not anybody want to trade for some of those snails?:D :D I had him for so long its makes me kinda of sad to give up a...
  20. lurch694u

    Is there a way to clean sand?

    I was just wondering if there is a way to clean the sand. I have a sand sifting star, a fighting conch, hermit crabs, and turbo snails. They just don't seem like they are doing anything besides wiping out my pod collection. Any ideas? Thanks :D