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  1. jag3365


    Starting to set all my stuff up for the tank now and trying out my RO/DI unit. It's a 5 stage Water General unit, but the instructions suck unless you're using it for drinking water. I didn't want the 3 gallon bottle unit so it's just the unit. Anyway the directions say I can use the carbon...
  2. jag3365

    Bang Guy, question

    Let me double check but I am pretty sure it wouldn't be in for a few weeks. It took me 3-4 weeks to get mine lsat time, since they specially ordered it. I'll get back to you guys.
  3. jag3365

    Bang Guy, question

    Hey I don't know how willing you would be to drive, but I bought some Southdown from someone who ordered it from some place down in Ames, Iowa. I got it there a few months ago, and I can e-mail them and ask if they can get more or if I can roder some. I travel back home to the cities often if...
  4. jag3365

    New to Saltwater fish!

    HI there I'm pretty new here too, actually almost set up and ready to start filling it up. Anyways there's not a whole lot of information that I can give you, other than get a book or two. They are invaluable. I recommend "The Consciencious Marine Aquarist" and "The New Marine Aquarium". I...
  5. jag3365

    Stupid things for fish money

    Thank goodness I've never had to do this in real life. It's nice training for something you hope never happens!
  6. jag3365

    OT Article on Yahoo

    Saw this on Yahoo thought you'd all like to see it:
  7. jag3365

    OT: Go Cubs !!!

    Not a fan of the national league, but I hope the Cubs pull it out. It doesn't really matter though since the Twins are going to win it all! The Yanks are going to underestimate them and they'll win it all. Man I can't wait to get tickets to the World Series at the dome again!!!!
  8. jag3365

    cheap way to make a stand ?

    Scott~ Sorry I should clarify. I have built the frame from 2x4s all the way around, but made the entire thing 1" smaller than tank dimensions, so the plywood attached will be flush with the edges of the tank. So not just the 2x4s but also the plywood will help distribute the weight. Hope...
  9. jag3365

    cheap way to make a stand ?

    I am in the middle of building a stand myself right now. It's not for a 180, but for a 125, not that much different. I decided to go with a good 2x4 frame that's very strong right and now, but also very heavy. I will be soon adding a 1/2" layer of oak plywood on the fronts and sides, and 1/4"...
  10. jag3365

    Reality Show For Fish People

    Man that is so funny. Too bad it's wasted on only us poor souls who can understand the humor. And we should add someone like me to the show. The hot newbie that knows little but is the object of lust and affection by every female viewer. I guess I'm willing to sacrifice myself for this...
  11. jag3365

    Acrylic or Glass?

    Like a car...go with experience and waht you know and trust. Glass always for me.
  12. jag3365

    i just got a 110gallon tank

    smokinstarfish I'd be interested in seeing that article you have. I am moving into an older home soon and will be setting up a 125 eventually. I have no idea how well the thing is going to hold on a wood floor. I was thinking about bringing a structural engineer in to help in the process.
  13. jag3365

    Substrate and rock

    I was just reading some books on setting up the tank. I know it says to add the rock and then substrate to make sure everything is stable, but these books were written as a 1-1.5 inch base. Well as we know it's a little outdated and I am going with a 4-6" base. So my question is...would it be...
  14. jag3365

    Stand Question

    Hey guys I am designing a stand to build and have a question, or more like an opinion from you. I could cover the back of the stand up with the exception of like a foot or so for plumbing and overflow tubes, or I could leave it almost all open. What would you suggest? I didn't know if...
  15. jag3365

    Additives and treatments

    Originally posted by Bang Guy Serious? Not serious just throwing that in to see if anyone read it. :)
  16. jag3365

    OT: Staying up late

    I do the samething. I work 24 hour shifts and alone overnight isn't the most fun, have to do something that passes the time. What better way to stay up late on the computer than read posts!
  17. jag3365

    Additives and treatments

    Yeah I do have an RO/DI unit that will be set up so I don't think the water will be much of a concern to start with. I remember getting all that stuff for my tap water with my freshwater tank. I will be setting up a QT tank also for most of the medications. I guess I was just curious if a FOWLR...
  18. jag3365

    Time to gripe about your LFS!!

    Been there seen that. Especially after Finding Nemo came out...couldn't believe the amount of clownfish in a small 1' square tank. I really felt sorry for them. It's not as bad as the big chain stores though. I feel bad everytime I walk into one of them and see the moping and sick fish...
  19. jag3365

    Additives and treatments

    Getting supplies to stock for the start of my tank. I'd like to know from anyone what additives or treatments I should have on hand for either everyday use or emergency. It's a 125 FOWLR. Nothing in it as of yet. Thinking only a few fish, clownfish..possible hippo tang...dwarf...
  20. jag3365

    Cheap LR

    Shoot me an e-mail Have a couple of sites that have very low pricing even with shipping a lot cheaper than lfs.