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  1. avbryce1

    100 gallon finally up and running

    Originally Posted by zanoshanox I think those zoos are dead. Thanks for the suggestion....
  2. avbryce1

    100 gallon finally up and running

    :help: these are zoa frags I have pictured here befroe. They havent opened up fully in a couple of days
  3. avbryce1

    100 gallon finally up and running

    all the corals are hichhilers accept the closed up zoa frag. I bought those 4 20 bucks. I bought all the snails and hermits too. thr best part is at my LFS they have a bin of LR that is 3.65 per lb I
  4. avbryce1


    Originally Posted by crabsrkewl Why is he moving to a 100g tank when he's probably only 2 inches because I was planning on taking down the 10 gal but I am having second thoughts...... The concept I am going for with the 100g is to establish an "oversized nano" (one or 2 fish that couldent...
  5. avbryce1

    100 gallon finally up and running

    yea I 'm planning on buying a couple more powerheads and adding a wavemaker/timer mostly on the sps side of the tank. I'm also going to supplement my MH lights with some 10k & actinic VHOs
  6. avbryce1


    Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar Woh!!! Awesome pictures!!! What kinda clam is that? Squamosa? thanks for the comments! the clam is a derasa
  7. avbryce1


    Originally Posted by theappe damn thats a nice clam!! thanks Its my prize
  8. avbryce1


    Originally Posted by zanoshanox Are the levels the same in the 100 g? Lighting similar? I am currently trying to achive the same levels, the lighting is much more intence
  9. avbryce1


    Originally Posted by kindbuds2k That is some great detail in your photos avbryce. What kind of camera are you using? What kind of lighting are you running? thanks the lighting is 80w pc 40w 10k and 40w actinic the camera is a cannon powershot pro 8.0 megapixel
  10. avbryce1


  11. avbryce1

    100 gallon finally up and running

    sorry in the sump i have an asm g3 skimmer a mag 9 return that is split in 2 and 2 600 gph rio powerheads in the display yea its going to be a mixed reef, I want to do softies and polyps on one side and sps on the other. I plan to leave the middle pretty much an open sandbed like it is for...
  12. avbryce1

    100 gallon finally up and running

    some of the inhabs
  13. avbryce1

    100 gallon finally up and running

    ive been working on this 100 gallon for about and a 1/2 yrs now and its finally up and running. here is the rundown...... 100g display 72"x18"x18" 50g sump (30g of water 3x250w mh 20k 70 lbs lr (so far) 5 mex. turbo 10 astrea royal gramma ocl. clown lots of cool hich hiker corals and...
  14. avbryce1


    no secret Ive had the 10 gal. running for about 3 yrs and I have a new 100 gal that has been running for about 3-3 1/2 months. the corals I have transfered into the 100 gal have anot done well so I'm scared about putting these in. Here is a full tank shot of the 10 g there used to be much more...
  15. avbryce1


    one more of my ric. and some of my zoas
  16. avbryce1


    this is my porcalin crab he is hard to get a pic of.....Ill probably never see him again once he is in the 100 g
  17. avbryce1


    my prized derasa
  18. avbryce1


    a few more
  19. avbryce1


    hope you enjoy. Theese corals are currently in my 10 gal but will soon be moving into my 100 gal.
  20. avbryce1

