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  1. avbryce1


  2. avbryce1

    100 gallon reef 4 months old

    thanks for all the help ....... so I put one of my peppermint shrimp into the 100g wednesday night and thursday he was dead. any thoughts?
  3. avbryce1

    100 gallon reef 4 months old

  4. avbryce1

    100 gallon reef 4 months old

    I'm using 20k mh lights and currently have no actinics the thing I am most worried about is my derasa clam, I have had it since it was about 3 inches and it is now about 6-7 inches. I still have it in my 10g because it would break my heart to lose it.
  5. avbryce1

    100 gallon reef 4 months old

    I finally got my 100 gallon tank up and running. I successfully maintained a 10g reef for nearly 3 years. My 100g has been up ang running for 4 months, and I started the cycle about 3 months ago and just this week started to move some of my inhabitants from my 10g to my 100g. so far I have moved...
  6. avbryce1

    A few new pics from my 10 gal

    I use a cannon power shot pro... on a tripod. no full tank shots I am in the process of taking down my 10 gal and moving all the stock into my 100 gal. I will start posting 100 gal pics soon
  7. avbryce1

    Live Sand to Bare Bottom

    whoa... Its been a while. But its good to be back. I still have my 10 gallon tank and I'm still working on setting up my 100 gallon. I had the 100 gal. up and running this summer and it had a leak I just got the leak fixed and sand back in the tank some time in the next couple of weeks I will...
  8. avbryce1

    Metal halide lights over a nano?

    who has metal halides over their nano, how many gallons, watts etc.
  9. avbryce1

    Worst pick up lines

    Ok I've got the best worst pickup line (You have to have a packet of sugar so it works best at a reasturant) You take a packet of sugar show it to the target girl and say "excuse me I think you droped your nametag"
  10. avbryce1

    Kobe scores 81......fluke?

    fluke? no. but I'm not surprised. kobe is a great player but very inconsistant. Also he is a huge ball hog and takes enough shots on any given night to score in the triple digits if he hit all his shots. he had a good night and thats it. how many assists did he have?
  11. avbryce1

    Fission Nano Skimmer

    my lfs has plenty
  12. avbryce1

    Free Red Sea Xenia In Memphis

    mail sent
  13. avbryce1

    Free Red Sea Xenia In Memphis

    because its too much trouble for some xenia That I just want to get rid of
  14. avbryce1

    Free Red Sea Xenia In Memphis

    Just what it said above pick up only.
  15. avbryce1

    Fission Nano Skimmer

    I bought the fission nano skimmer about a week ago. I know it's meant for use in the aquapod but It works great in my 10 gal
  16. avbryce1

    Death Row to Harsh? what you guys think

    A death penalty fact: since 1976 when the death penalty was reinstated there has been 5 cases of state sanctioned executions that were not carried out by the typical 3 means of execution gas chamber, lethal injection, and electric chair. The first execution after the death penalty was reinstated...
  17. avbryce1

    Are The Colts Going To Be Beat?

    I say the seattle has a chance chance now after watching the giants v. seahawks the giants should have won that game... no wait the giants did win that game thats just not what the final score said. well after watching that I don't think seattle will beat the colts.
  18. avbryce1

    any ibook users?

    :cheer: another convert
  19. avbryce1

    80 watts PC good enough?

    Glad to here you got a light, and you are happy with it. the coralife 96 is IMO the most popular light for a 10g. keep us posted