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  1. avbryce1

    Pics from my nano

    Thanks for the nice comments here Is a little more info on my nano: the tank has been up and running for almost 2 years now, with corals for about a year and a half. my light is a current usa 2x40w pc filtration is a penguin 125 bio wheel I have taken off the bio wheel and filled the filter with...
  2. avbryce1

    Pics from my nano

  3. avbryce1

    Pics from my nano

    here is a full tank shot the camera is a cannon powershot pro
  4. avbryce1

    Pics from my nano

    Its a 10 g with 2x40w pc no recent full tank shots
  5. avbryce1

    Pics from my nano

  6. avbryce1

    Pics from my nano

  7. avbryce1

    Pics from my nano

    the first three are progression pics of an acro frag I got in a trade
  8. avbryce1

    Brown Button Polyp Epidemic

    joe's juice is for aptaisa its pretty much the same thing as kalk I tried it last night on a few button polyps and this morning they were gone so I would say it worked
  9. avbryce1

    Brown Button Polyp Epidemic

    ags I am having a similar problem with some brown button polyps they are taking over some of my best zoas. I was thinking about trying some joe's juice on a polyp I dont want to remove all the polyps I just want to be able stop them from taking over my zoas.
  10. avbryce1

    Overflow and return question

    Originally Posted by Squidd I thought the problem was when the valves were wide open...? What did you change to fix it...? no idea
  11. avbryce1

    Overflow and return question

    problem solved with the ball valves wide open it works fine..... thanks all
  12. avbryce1

    Overflow and return question

    Ill try it with the ball valves wide open and see if the inner and outer chambers level out when I get home tonight and I will get back with yall tonight. thanks
  13. avbryce1

    Overflow and return question

    the overflow I have claims that it is up to 1200 gph and I an running a mag 9.5 with a 4.5ft head
  14. avbryce1

    Overflow and return question

    of course I just can't seem to get it perfect
  15. avbryce1

    Overflow and return question

    I need help on getting my hob overflow and my return pump right I have 2 ball valves on the overflow pipes and a mag 9.5 for a return pump. when the ball valves are wide open the overflow takes water out faster than the pump returns it does any one have any tips on getting my overflow and my...
  16. avbryce1

    Acro ID please

    I got this acro about a month ago in a trade
  17. avbryce1

    10 gal sunday 6 pack

  18. avbryce1

    10 gal sunday 6 pack

  19. avbryce1

    Focus on: Zoanthids

    I think I have a few actinics too
  20. avbryce1

    Focus on: Zoanthids

    here are a few pics I put together