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  1. psychoskater

    my damsel is dying

    Ya i wouldnt even put a yellow tang in a 55 gal.
  2. psychoskater

    aqualine wet/dry filter

    Has anyone had or heard of a aqualine wet/dry filter? I see one for sale and im not sure if i should buy it. Thanks
  3. psychoskater

    wet/dry filters

    I am getting a 100 gallon tank and i am wondering what type of wet/dry filter i should get that isnt that expensive. Thanks
  4. psychoskater

    musroom problem

    I have a mushroom problem. I have had like 10 blue mushrooms in my 55 gal tank. They were doing fine. Now they just look small and gloomy. All my parameters are good except for the ph which is at 8.2. I have sufficiant lighting and everything. What could be wrong with them?
  5. psychoskater

    what corals to get??

    It depends on what kind of rock you want for lbs. Some rock is more pourous thn others. It just depends on your pref. For lighting you should get some pc lights. For watts it depends on what kind of corals you want. If you just want somethin easy like shrooms just get a 2x65. With sand you...
  6. psychoskater

    Starting a 25 gallon...need help please

    I am just starting a 25 gal tall. I am putting a 2x65 wtt pc on it, a carbon filter, about 30-40 lb lr, 30 lb ls, corals like zoos and ricordeas, fish like basslets, and inverts like shrimp and feather dusters. Questions: 1. Is this all a good idea? 2. Should I only have lr and ls when I cycle...
  7. psychoskater

    Pics of 30 g

    how many lbs of lr and is that a tall?
  8. psychoskater

    trip to the beach!

    If you are going to take corals out of a beach you are taking a risk of getting caught and getting fined 10 grand. Fish is legal to take if it doesnt have a size limit and if it isnt in a sanctuary. :eek:
  9. psychoskater

    live sand and crushed coral

    is it ok for me to mix live snd with crushed coral?
  10. psychoskater

    something wierd under live rock

    sounds like a duster cluster
  11. psychoskater

    tank lighting pics

    Thanks, i really wanted to see that one, what about now, have you ever had algae problems? anyone else?
  12. psychoskater


    yup, i totally agree...i meen yep
  13. psychoskater

    tank lighting pics
  14. psychoskater

    ok my girlfriend is wanting to try saltwater now!

    oooooooooo, a local tank, i once had one of those...
  15. psychoskater

    will these fish work

    I read on fosterandsmith that the minimum is 30...
  16. psychoskater

    What is aiptasia

    ooooooo, a glass anemone thanks
  17. psychoskater

    ok my girlfriend is wanting to try saltwater now!

    I am kind of familiar with your area and i wouldnt use river water. In Florida most of the rivers have phosphates and other chemicals that flow in from farms in florida.
  18. psychoskater

    What is aiptasia

    This may sound dumb but hat exactly is aiptasia???
  19. psychoskater

    Need help with q-tank

    If the fish has places to hide the water change shouldnt really bother it.
  20. psychoskater

    will these fish work

    If i were you i would get a flame angel, a perc, and a royal basslet, but personally i like coral beauty angels better.:D