Search results

  1. psychoskater

    HOT Skimmer for a nano ....

    urchin- 60 bucks on fostersmith???:eek: I saw it for like 109
  2. psychoskater

    Clown Fish

    Tomato clown do have a lot of personality...mine used to bite my hand when i stuck it in the tank...
  3. psychoskater

    High temp paint

    engine enamel works...
  4. psychoskater

    will these fish work

    the six line wrasse can deffinitly work but i dont know about the flame.
  5. psychoskater

    what is ph?

    ph is the scale of acidity and alkalinity. It goes from 1 to 14. 6-1 being increasing acidity, 7 being neutral, and 8-14 being increasing alkalinity. I believe you want it at 8.3, 8.4 and you raise it by getting a ph bufer. You can get this a lfs. hope that helps
  6. psychoskater


  7. psychoskater

    Finally pics of my tank

    What kind of lights?
  8. psychoskater

    tank lighting pics

    Can anybody post some pics of their tanks so i can see what the lights look like? I want to see like the type of bulbs and what it makes the tank look like.(actinic, 10k, ect) thanks :cheer: (little bro insists on putting that smily...)
  9. psychoskater

    OT who loves their pugs

    :scared: man i hate pugs (past frightening not getting into the details)
  10. psychoskater

    blue angle reef safe?

    oooooooooooo, i looked at and from what this web site says, you definitly shouldnt put it in a 30.
  11. psychoskater

    WTB: pc lights

    How much is it and is there any way you can take a pic of it? Thanks
  12. psychoskater

    Carribean biotope aquarium lighting help(I think i said that right)

    Anyone want to help bang guy
  13. psychoskater


    Thats crazy me (very random)
  14. psychoskater


    You are nuts...but this is crazier--->:cheer:
  15. psychoskater


    milkman- i dont go on aim that much anymore banshee- that was very random
  16. psychoskater

    WTB: pc lights

    i sent you an email i think
  17. psychoskater


    strong bad
  18. psychoskater

    Carribean biotope aquarium lighting help(I think i said that right)

    I am making a Carribean based aquarium. It is 25 gallons. I have decited to put a 65 watt pc light in it. I want to know what kind of bulbs to put in it. The corals I want to put in are: ricordeas, green sea mat, and a purple frilly gorgonia I heard that atinic make the coral glow. Is this true...
  19. psychoskater

    blue angle reef safe?

    wow, does anyone have a pic of one?
  20. psychoskater

    WTB: pc lights

    ok i change my mind... if anyone has any pc lights for sale just post