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  1. fred the fish guy

    Go see my pic's please and tell me what you think.

    Maybe you could add a clam or 2 to add even more color. Looks great though. I love the powder blue I just only wish I could have one.
  2. fred the fish guy

    Gigas Clams Anyone?

    I was wondering if anyone has had any luck in getting ahold of these. I had a friend with one which was the only guy I have known to be able to find one. His was very large id say around a foot or more. I was looking into getting one and know they get large so I would have to upgrade for it...
  3. fred the fish guy

    I really want a clam, would it be OK

    Well clams can be put on the rock or sand but usually the sand is prefered because they are easier to place. Man that sounds like an expensive clam you are looking at. I personally would try a derasa clam which can be very easy to keep and by far one of the cheapest. Most clams live along time...
  4. fred the fish guy

    problem with bubble

    I would deffinalty check your calcium. I think that would play a big part in it not opening as well. Your calcium should be between 400 and 500 usually around 450 has worked the best for me even though so extra calcium could cause it to open better. Try taking some water to be tested or by a...
  5. fred the fish guy

    Water Change

    When I do a big water exchange alot of times some of my corals stick out of the water. I have a frogspawn which is very similar to a torch that does fine iff i spash it with water every minute or so. Usually it is out of the water for atleast 3 to 4 minutes so I would think the torch would be...
  6. fred the fish guy

    corals to start out with

    I might recommend some type of leather as well, preferably not a yellow leather. It mostly depend on your lights what you can start out with . If they are good than you can almost start out with anything as long as the tank is well established. I would however stay away from acraporas which they...
  7. fred the fish guy

    Learning about anemones: Are reef fish safe?

    No kidden seabass I understand where you are commin from on that one> they do eat fish and it always seems to be the expenisive ones. That reminded me of a story. One of my friends had a large carpet for along time with this emperor angel(great big and pretty too). I know that emperors can pick...
  8. fred the fish guy

    Learning about anemones: Are reef fish safe?

    I have a very large long tentacle in my reef that I like way more than a bubble tip i once owned. The bubble tip moved alot but when it did man did it sting some corals bad so i ended up getting rid of it. The long tentacle only moves every couple of months or so and usually goes back and forth...
  9. fred the fish guy

    Cleaner Shrimp or Cleaner Wrasse

    well my choice would be the cleaner shrimp. Even if they dont do it as offten as cleaner wrasses at least they will still live when the parasites are gone. Cleaner wrasses unlike cleaner shrimp usually die early in a tank because they dont get the nutrition they need no matter how hard you try...
  10. fred the fish guy


    From my knowledge of yellow tangs this is normal(even though i havent the slightest clue of what it is). All yellow tangs have them it is just some are more viable than others. I knowticed that too when my step bro bought one and didnt think i saw it at the store but sure enough when i returned...
  11. fred the fish guy

    Fish for 20 Reef

    The only one i disagree with is a mandarin. If you get one be sure it is the spotted kind that will usually accept frozen foods because the regular mandarin will wipe out its food source in a tank that small and slowly starve. Oh yeah you could have some neat shrimp as well. [ December 03, 2001...
  12. fred the fish guy

    Firefish are hiding a lot and one I have never seen

    also unless you know for a fact that they are a pair,(which is hard to tell),I wouldnt recamend buying 2. you should usually just buy 1 or atleast 3 to develop a small school of them skipping the problems of having the 2 fighting. Aswell as the more of them you have the easier it will to be for...
  13. fred the fish guy

    brown algae

    Well what comes to my mind is the lights. Definatly think that they were what caused the algae. I had the same problem when i put 4 55's on my 55g. I Think the clean up crew you have will do its job but it may take alittle time. Also I was wondering how long you have been running your lights...
  14. fred the fish guy

    additions to a reef

    There is alot of things that I cant even think of that you could put as far as corals go. Well it depends how hard you want take care of and if you have good water movement or not. If you dont have a small powerhead you really should add one. But assuming you have one you can start on some...
  15. fred the fish guy

    Mandarin Goby & DSB?

    No mandarin gobys are perfectly fine with a dsb and actually I would prefer you have one with them. They cant eat all the life out of a dsb because there is way more life in them than a mandarin or we can see. The mandarins eat celopods(spelling) which can be found in live sand but if the tank...
  16. fred the fish guy

    Can't find my horseshoe crab!!!

    Well from what i have heard about them is they come from somewhere with alot of sand room and less rock(dont remember exactly where) and in captivity they can sometimes dig under rocks and get stuck. That is the only reason i have stayed clear of them but I am not too sure this is true but it...
  17. fred the fish guy

    Favorite Agressive???

    still have to stay with a clown trigger
  18. fred the fish guy

    Behavior of Cleaner Wrasses

    oh Yeah I forgot to mention about the cleaner wrasses that I have had one for almost a half of a year with no problems (knock on wood) but alot of them do bad. Maybe I was just lucky, but that was also my second one.
  19. fred the fish guy

    Behavior of Cleaner Wrasses

    alot of the mandarins die as well. Usually the other type besides the spotted. i just cant think of the name.
  20. fred the fish guy


    they can eat ghost shrimp as well and usually those are easier to get that live brine. The only thing bad about feeding is that they are pickers and need a good supply of food and need to be fed often. This is from (what I believe to be true) is that they do not have a stomach but some type of...