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  1. tannersmith200

    Can this be ICH?

    oh and yes, I had that species of ich that can survive 8 weeks plus in a fallow tank. it was just my luck
  2. tannersmith200

    Can this be ICH?

    Ich sucks I had a nightmare with it about 5 months ago. I QT'd my fish for 12 weeks and I had to totally redo my aquarium. Took out all corals and placed them in a QT tank and took out all sand, LR and placed new rock and sand. After about $700 later, my tank is ich free and fish are super...
  3. tannersmith200

    Best Large Angelfish?

    My two favorite angels... 1. Queen 2. Emperor They are awesome. Mine are not aggressive at all towards each other or twords other tank mates
  4. tannersmith200


    ...and in your big tank get an Achilles Tang or a Queen Angel and that'd be sweet.
  5. tannersmith200


    I chose something else Go for a bicolor angel
  6. tannersmith200

    MP40 Purchase

  7. tannersmith200

    MP40 Purchase

    Just make sure you adjust the dry side to the right thickness of the glass. I had a similar problem with my MP's. And also make sure the wet and dry side are aligned exactly.
  8. tannersmith200


    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef I almost never think this is a good idea. You'd be better off just adding bagged "live" sand and adding it to your sand. Your sand will seed it. If you're intent on taking sand from the ocean, you really need to go far off shore to get uncontaminated sand. +1
  9. tannersmith200

    Don't put crabs in your sump!

    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef My husband and I have been on a mission for the past few months to rid our reef tanks of crabs, especially hermit crabs since they knock everything all over and murder our snails. I've been throwing them in our refugiums, but apparently hubby has been...
  10. tannersmith200

    MP40 Purchase

    well that sucks BUT it could be way worse... if the starfish lost a limb or two, it will or should probably grow them back. i have been looking into getting a MP40. how are they? I have two MP20's for my big tank and a MP10 for my nano.
  11. tannersmith200

    My shallow reef tank diary }(>')

    Quote: Originally Posted by nissan577 ohhh yea i got it lol my bad bro. you want a frag of it? I would LOVE a frag. Where did you get that table acro then? I have seen them on other peoples reefs but I really like these corals. Hook me up :) Thanks homie
  12. tannersmith200

    My shallow reef tank diary }(>')

    Quote: Originally Posted by nissan577 thanks man i will post more pics. just let me get a hand on a camera. what plate coral? lol It's on page 11. Its in the picture that shows the entire aquarium. Where you see the derasa clam. It is about 6 or 7 inches to the left and about 6 inces up. It...
  13. tannersmith200

    Searching for table acros NEED HELP!

    Does anyone have any idea where I can find table acroporas? Similar to the one in the picture... I really want one or two for my reef tank
  14. tannersmith200

    Queen Angelfish

    Howdy I have a juv queen angel and he is awesome!!!! I fell in love with these fish ever since I started snorkeling/scuba in the carribean (mostly in the dry tortugas). I would see queen and french angels everywhere. i really liked the queen so i decided to get one. I buy all my fish at the...
  15. tannersmith200

    My shallow reef tank diary }(>')

    hey nissan can you post more pics??? I would love to see the overflow and more details concerning the sump. thanks oh by the way, where did you get that awesome encrusting plate coral?
  16. tannersmith200

    Blue eyed Anthias

    how big is your tank? anthias are not real big so you probably could. they are a nice reef fish! go for it!
  17. tannersmith200

    My shallow reef tank diary }(>')

    hey nissan did you use starphire glass or just regular glass? i believe starphire is more clear than regular. just wondering
  18. tannersmith200

    Achilles Tang - Awesome FISH!!!!

    HLLE Stray voltage is impossible for my tanks - GFCI takes that out of consideration. I also use carbon - my juv queen angel has/had HLLE, bec he was QT'd for almost 2 months but now he is in DT an the HLLE is slowly going away. His colors have never been so bright. Stress, poor water quality...
  19. tannersmith200

    Achilles Tang - Awesome FISH!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by florida joe IMO I would wait a little longer them to weeks to check for ick. Add an air stone to your QT if you can and again IMO it is very important when you QT a tang to look for the first signs of head and lateral line erosion The HOB filter mixes enuff O2 into...
  20. tannersmith200

    Achilles Tang - Awesome FISH!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by tangs rule The OP (cams) first problem is the fish may not be eating.......If it refuses to eat, it will die pretty soon, and never survive Qtine whether hypo or copper or combo treatment......His fish might respond to somthing I did only once (on a hippo), by...