Search results

  1. tannersmith200

    Planning for fish in my first reef.

    If I were in your shoes which I was you at one time years ago, I would research the fish that I found attractive. Everybody here has good suggestions but you should do you. But since you ask... What kind of reef are you planning on? I guess that depends on your light source and flow to some...
  2. tannersmith200

    thank you marineland

    Quote: Originally Posted by BigTankBigFish That sucks for you though dude. Im sorry your house burned down over a damn fish tank heater. Im sure marineland is gonna pay you out big time, When my cousins heater broke in his turtle tank he lied and told them it shatttered his 500 dollar tank...
  3. tannersmith200

    need help identifying a shark egg please

    hey how much was it? if it was 30-50 bucks it may have been a cat shark. not sure though. is the egg clear enough to see inside it? do you see shark squirming around in there? if its black and white banded then its prob a cat shark. just a guess
  4. tannersmith200

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Is this tank located in the bermuda triangle or something alike?
  5. tannersmith200

    I wish I had this in my reef tank

    my girlfriend and I are going to Fiji next spring so I assume I will see a little more vibrant colored corals, fish, anemones etc.
  6. tannersmith200

    I wish I had this in my reef tank

    Quote: Originally Posted by spanko Also Keys reefs are IMO overpopulated with the Sergent Major damselfish. Just sayin................. very true, very true
  7. tannersmith200

    I wish I had this in my reef tank

    Quote: Originally Posted by spanko I am always amazed at how brown the coral are when snorkeling off the keys. Wife and I just did a trip off Key Largo at Pennekamp and she also commented on how drab everything looks compared to the aquarium.The brain coral frag in my...
  8. tannersmith200

    I wish I had this in my reef tank

    Hey guys I saw this brain coral while snorkeling in the dry tortugas off of key west fl I saw a million brain corals but this one was the most unique enjoy A sea urchin made himself a nice home in this palace Like a christmas tree rock instead a christmas tree coral
  9. tannersmith200

    180 Reef Stocking list

    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef They are nice, but I already have two tangs that absolutely are going in this tank, and possibly my yellow belly hippo tang. I can't risk another tang I understand. Thats a smart move. Two tangs are enough in my opinion and maybe even just one. I'm a...
  10. tannersmith200

    180 Reef Stocking list

    Looking forward to seeing your tank! Have you ever had an achilles tang? I know they are expensive but one would be a jewl in that 180g tank. Mine sure is They are an awesome fish!
  11. tannersmith200

    which large angel to choose??

    Quote: Originally Posted by fish are good yipie!!! a reply! :) thank you soo much for your input :) and i love the keys i vacation there two times a year!! :) we rent houses in marathon. and last fall we rented a house at the mouth of a canal and while looking in the water before lunch i saw...
  12. tannersmith200

    which large angel to choose??

    Hey there I love angels especially large angels. My favorite is the queen angel. I have a juvinile and he is prob 6 months old. He is starting to change. he has a great personality and is hardy. But if you want me to pick from the three choices...the fench angel. Only bec I just got back from...
  13. tannersmith200

    Hitchhiker Sponge - need help with an ID

    hey guys so I have a 28g nano reef and it is 13 months old. I have noticed that I have a yellow sponge growing like crazy in my tank. The weird thing is, is that I have never had success with sponges before. I have never had a sponge in this particular tank. yesterday I was cleaning the tank...
  14. tannersmith200

    A hitchhiker Sponge that is flourishing

    hey guys so I have a 28g nano reef and it is 13 months old. I have noticed that I have a yellow sponge growing like crazy in my tank. The weird thing is, is that I have never had success with sponges before. I have never had a sponge in this particular tank. yesterday I was cleaning the tank...
  15. tannersmith200

    Hair Algae PLEASE HELP

    Quote: Originally Posted by 1guyDude i see two more lrg fish in pic 5... hows that workin out tanner??? Do deer crowries eat hair algae??? Can someone back that up? I just got one and its still shy but i would think so cuz they sure are big enough! Yeah man its an achilles tang. He is 2" long...
  16. tannersmith200

    Hair Algae PLEASE HELP

    Hello everyone So I have a 28g Nano tank that is 13 months old. It's a reef tank and I am using LEDs. (From I have a bicolor angel, two black and white false percs and various inverts such as hermits, snails, brittle stars, two maxima clams. I have many corals such as various...
  17. tannersmith200

    Neptune Aqua Controller 3 Pro NEED HELP with Internet Access

    Hello Can anyone help me with my aqua controller 3 pro? I need help accessing the controller from the internet. I can access the web interface from home on my computer but I cant access it from work or other places away from home. I just need some steps to get this thing set up. Thanks!!!
  18. tannersmith200

    Cyanobacteria Outbreak!! Could use some advice.

    hey man sorry about your cyano outbreak. I have had this too. Two things for the cure. 1) increase water flow - add an extra power head if needed. 2) keep up with water changes and keep water parameters in good standing the water flow thing is what did it for me.
  19. tannersmith200

    My Achilles Tang has white cloudy areas on both eyes

    Hello Specific gravity 1.023 Temp 80 phosphates 0 nitrate 0 nitrite 0 ammonia 0 About 3 weeks ago I noticed that my 2.5 inch achilles tang had a weird white cloudy spot on the top of his right eye. The eye did not seem bulged out. I was concerned but I noticed that he could see out of...
  20. tannersmith200

    glueing Coral to cement???

    I would just use a piece of LR. Bust a piece to the size you want. What's natural should stay natural. Use reef safe glue. What kind of lighting do you use anyway?