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  1. armywife1314


    wow when i was in high school we only had to take finals our freshman and sophomore year. we had the week off as juniors and seniors. i agree college is a lot harder given when i started i tested out of a semesters worth so no finals there. but it just got harder faster.
  2. armywife1314

    oldest person on forum?

    22! woo-hoo i win!
  3. armywife1314

    Momma said

    if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all. went in one ear and out the other! and dont make fun of people or your kids will turn out just like that!
  4. armywife1314

    I am SICK of sand!!!

    instead of painting the bottom why dont you put a background underneath the tank?
  5. armywife1314

    BBQ help

    my dad makes the best marinade. he puts whatever it is he's going to cook into a very large bowl the night before. add i bottle of italian dressing, garlic, tony chacherees (sp?) salt and pepper. yum! and if it needs to be tenderized add that and if your out add root beer or dr.pepper.
  6. armywife1314

    How are gas prices affecting you?

    i know here if you use credit they charge a fee and if you use debit they dont. doesnt affect me, hubby's in iraq and i dont really go anywhere exect the px and commisary and those are like 2 miles away. but we did sell my hubbys v8 dodge for a gsxr for when he gets back, who knows how high it...
  7. armywife1314

    Fave movie/book?

    if your refering to HP then the last 2 are the best IMO. narnia on the other hand i think there are only 2 good ones there. but as a whole the collections are good.
  8. armywife1314

    Fave movie/book?

    im a harry potter nerd! eragon is good too, still waiting on the third book. liked most of the narnia series. i read them all before the movies. HP is the only one that is very close to the books.
  9. armywife1314

    Obama wins!

    Originally Posted by oscardeuce Ha, they don't even follow the laws on the books ( illegal immigration anyone?) oh, dont get me started on that subject.
  10. armywife1314

    Obama wins!

    i would have to say though, here at the largest military base in america, there arent as many soldiers as you would think. and what is really bad there are people that are well and able to be deployed yet go their entire career with no deployments. not to mention that there is supposed to be the...
  11. armywife1314

    "fragging" sand sifting star?

    ok so, i looked up pictures of sand sifting stars its definetly that. in your honest opinon do i need to get it out asap?
  12. armywife1314

    Obama wins!

    Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor what does my profession or my age have to do with anything? im a 36 yr old craftsman. i did alot of research on vaccines, autism, and there links. the head of microbiology at mit seems to think there was a direct link between the preservative thimerasol and...
  13. armywife1314

    Obama wins!

    Originally Posted by VinnyRaptor what does my profession or my age have to do with anything? im a 36 yr old craftsman. i did alot of research on vaccines, autism, and there links. the head of microbiology at mit seems to think there was a direct link between the preservative thimerasol and...
  14. armywife1314

    Obama wins!

    Originally Posted by bionicarm How do you even get your kids into school without vaccinations? Mine can't even register without proof. Wasn't it Arizona or New Mexico recently where they actually took the parents to court, telling them to either get their kids vaccinated, or face time in...
  15. armywife1314

    Obama wins!

    you really want to know how many were vaccinated you'll find this very interesting. 1 out of the 3. they are all vaccinated now, but only recently. my son has been vaccinated and br3ast fed for a year, he has never been sick. he's at the top 90% of his height and weight also. in case you arent...
  16. armywife1314

    Obama wins!

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 Lets not forget that congress just passed a law requiring pc bulbs (high in heavy metals like mercury) and a phase out of incandescent bulbs which are not an environmental hazard. These PC bulbs practically require a hazmat team if they break. Another tree hugger...
  17. armywife1314

    Obama wins!

    so does eating fish and tuna especially when your pregnant. so tell me is it safer to let your children be at risk for all the things vaccinated for? isnt it more dangerous to let them be that vulnerable? yes with vaccines you inject a little of the disease itself to boost the immune system (if...
  18. armywife1314

    xbox 360 question

    invest in an inter-cooler
  19. armywife1314

    Tattoo in the forecast!

    i got one! thats what my husband calls it.
  20. armywife1314

    xbox 360 question

    we had a cooler on ours and got the red ring of death. we had it maybe 3 months and hardly played it. when we turned it on one day there it was and it wouldnt turn off unless we unplugged it. they said ours was completely internal and shipped us a new one. i definetly agree that if you buy one...