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  1. armywife1314

    another what is this?

    theres about 10 or so. and only on one rock.
  2. armywife1314

    another what is this?

    yes its on a rubbery mat. what are vermitid snails? should i try to get rid of them?
  3. armywife1314

    another what is this?

    i have this coral and i have these little things popping up on a rock nearby are they the beginings of the coral spreading to new places? or is it something else? thanks
  4. armywife1314

    what is this?

    once again more surprises arising from the rockwork of my tank. what is it? its been growing very very slowly but it is getting bigger. any help is appreciated. thank you
  5. armywife1314

    Tattoo in the forecast!

    awesome! the one down the guys back and the ray are my fave ocean ones. the demonic little girls so creepy he could work for tim burton. Happy Birthday!
  6. armywife1314

    percula question (new )

    if your talking about the cichlids definetly keep the africans with africans, south american with south american, jack demseys with jack demseys. if you have a pic i can probably tell you what kind it is. and with them you could have 4 or 5 cichlids in there depending on what kind it is.
  7. armywife1314

    What is to MANY fish?? Stocking questions.

    ive heard every inch of adult fish to every 4 gallons.
  8. armywife1314

    percula question (new )

    i put my percs in and they kinda swam until they found somewhere they really liked. now my elegance coral hosts them, it take a little over a week for them to finally go to it though. give it some time it may make its way to the carpet. on the cichlid note. if you plan on adding more do it and...
  9. armywife1314

    how the heck is this possible

    thank goodness they're safer now. that was years ago when my hubby was a firefighter. i still dont fully trust them though. and i agree that just more research should be done to try to reduce our dependence SAFELY from fossil fuels.
  10. armywife1314

    how the heck is this possible

    not too mention because of the wiring they couldnt use the jaws of life. ill stick with my suv jaws of life and firefighter friendly.
  11. armywife1314

    how the heck is this possible

    when my hubby was a firefighter and the hybrid cars first came out they were instructed that if a hybrid crashes and if its on fire, to let it burn and back way up and make sure everyone is a safe distance away. they couldnt put the chemical on it they needed because of the battery.
  12. armywife1314

    Lime Green Algae

    i have purple, dark red, dark green, and lime green. i liked the darker red and purple the most until the lime green really started taking off. it's a nice contrast to the fish and corals in my tank.
  13. armywife1314

    Grammer Question

  14. armywife1314

    Obama wins!

    bionicarm im curious have you ever been in the military? and what job do you do that makes you such an expert on everything?
  15. armywife1314

    How do you aquascape a 29inch deep tank?

    i have a stool and practically got in the tank to do mine. my husband thought it was funny though.
  16. armywife1314

    Grammer Question

    i tried both on my grammar checker and they were both right. i guess its your choice on this one.
  17. armywife1314

    Obama wins!

    miscommunication. you never specified iraqi or american.
  18. armywife1314

    Crazy Girlfriend need help

    my husband and i got together i was 18 and he was 20, 5 years later i still support him. he went from semi-pro football player, to x-ray technician, to firefighter/emt, now in the army. i wont see him the rest of this year and will go my entire pregnancy alone, im not whining about either. his...
  19. armywife1314

    Obama wins!

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 dang it can't admit we're winning. never said we weren't journey said it depended on the elections.
  20. armywife1314

    Elegance coral?

    yep, after it opened up nicely it hosts my clowns now. back in the sand, make sure it has good flow and you should be good to go.