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  1. sully677

    Yellow Tang or Kole Tang?

    I have an 80 gallon reef with a Sailfin. Should I go with a yellow tang or kole tang for my other one? Thanks!
  2. sully677

    Anyone have Swissgaurd Basslet?

    Curious...they are great looking fish!
  3. sully677

    New 80g Reef!

    Does anyone ever purchase from Vivid Aquariums? They have some pretty good looking corals I was considering...
  4. sully677

    New 80g Reef! that's my eheim filter
  5. sully677

    New 80g Reef!

    Originally Posted by meowzer Lookin good so far....Is that a bubble bar in the first pic? If so, I'd get rid of it.....also maybe add some more rock to make it taller... Yes, I'm gonna add more rock when I get some more $...bubble bar? The first pic is of ricordea
  6. sully677

    New 80g Reef!

  7. sully677

    New 80g Reef!

  8. sully677

    New 80g Reef!

    Hi All, This is my first SW tank. Here are some pics.
  9. sully677

    SailFin Has Ich

    Hi. Yes, I have an 80 gallon that has been set up for over 9 months now. I have a couple clowns, 3 chromis, sixline, diamond goby, cleaner shrimp, green star polyp, xenia, and ricordea. I don't have a qt. I know I need to get one. Should I do a fw dip to save him? Or can he pull through without...
  10. sully677

    SailFin Has Ich

    I believe that my sailfin has Ich. I bought at cleaner shrimp at the LFS, and they told me it would eat the ich off. Also they gave me some kind of garlic solution to help the ich. Should I do a FW dip? It will be hard to catch the sailfin
  11. sully677

    ID Please

    Would my clowns eventually host it if it became large enough?
  12. sully677

    ID Please

    Hi All. I am new. This was on my LR from the LFS. Could you identify both for me? Thanks!
  13. sully677

    My Blue Hippo Died...Need Advice

    Thanks for the help. I don't have a protein skimmer yet. I am seeing build up on the water surface. Would the protein skimmer remove all of that waste?
  14. sully677

    My Blue Hippo Died...Need Advice

    Hi guys, I am new around here. I have had an 80 gallon tank for approximately 8 months. My current stock is: 3 chromis 1 six line wrasse 2 clowns 1 diamond goby 1 fromia star I lost a blue hippo today. Are there any tangs hardier than the blue hippo? Thanks!