Search results

  1. naclfish

    I killed a crab

    Nothing good happens in this hobby quickly.
  2. naclfish

    Help! Fish losses!

    Dont be so hard on your self every one here has lost fish/coral at some point for one reason or another. so you lost a couple fish in the list of things that could have gone wrong i would classify this as big deal learn and move on. You caught it early and its not like your tank crashed. lose a...
  3. naclfish

    Protein skimmer help

    buy a new skimmer
  4. naclfish

    Protein skimmer question

    i just put on a bh 1000ss reefoctopus ill let ya know how it works out its a big skimmer tho well built bout 135 shipped so the price is pretty good shop around you can find a good deal on it.
  5. naclfish

    new skimmer

    Anybody use a reefoctopus skimmer? I just got a 100ss and set it up not much in the way of instructions just looking for some pointers or tips on running it and what to expect and such.
  6. naclfish

    new skimmer

    just got a new skimmer today a reefoctopus 100ss it seems pretty well built and such it didnt come with much in the way of instructions at all. If anyone runs one of these your advice and knowledge of what to expect and best ways to fine tune this skimmer would be great. as of now i pulled all...
  7. naclfish

    Is This To Many Fish For A 10g

    bummer...they never are quite the same after that.
  8. naclfish

    new to nano's help!!!

    i am going to buy a nano do i want a current or a jbj it going to be the 24 gallon size. please give me the pro's and con's of each. thanks
  9. naclfish

    Got Salt 125g newbie

    I would start looking for a skimmer either 2 cpr bakpak RR, or a big aqua c,or asm. dont go cheep on the skimmer it will come back to haunt you.
  10. naclfish

    Anemones and powerheads

    Anemones and power heads ? Any one I kept one anemone for a few months he was happy health and big...then it went for a walk thru a k-3. I have not kept one since kinda a waste of money and a god awful smell. But if any one could toss me some advice about them and power heads that would be cool.
  11. naclfish

    Eating Live sea urchins

    I had sea urchin with my lunch it was very good. And i didnt feel bad.
  12. naclfish

    brand new 20g setup

    honda's are fun but when you get older they cant touch American muscle. plus you can get a lot more bang for your buck. for 5k you can build a vicious small block.
  13. naclfish

    Whats the best advice youve evre gotten in the hobby

    Ya get what ya pay for..if it seems like a deal thats too good to be is. Save your money and buy the right equipment the first time. it will save you lots of time and money when you end up having to buy it anyways.
  14. naclfish

    Shallow - deep aquarium design.

    yeah not looking like something one can order. anyone have a link to a custom shop they have used before
  15. naclfish

    Shallow - deep aquarium design.

    I've been looking around like crazy have not found one yet... but i didnt find a shop with good prices on a 240 long for mybasement...i hope i can find one of these first
  16. naclfish

    the time has come.....

    do it!!!!!!!!
  17. naclfish

    star vs shrimp

    my skunk is always picking at and cleaning my fish its really cool to watch my angel could fit him in his mouth without any problems but 2 years since the angel arrived and no problems i also have 2 brittles one serpent and one green who arrived as a freebie with some rock. who knows it may or...
  18. naclfish

    Shallow - deep aquarium design.

    who sells em?
  19. naclfish

    Shallow - deep aquarium design. it...must have it...wifes going to be pissed
  20. naclfish

    Talk about being insulted

    Please say you used your visa or mastercard... you can dispute a charge if you attempted to work it out in good faith and the store didnt work it out with you..its the whole visa protection thing. mastercard does it too. it can be a little bit of a pain but you will get your money back. the info...