the time has come.....

crypt keeper

Active Member
you could get a couple fish in 10 gallon. all sorts of gobies like a yasha goby or bi color blenny that would do great in a 10 gallon set up.
Im thinking of doing a 40 gallon breeder with just my clowns and corals. Im in love with my biColor though and its been about 5 months since I have had him. I have proved some many people wrong having him this long.


Active Member
so the decision has been made to stay away from having another tank until we get our own place again. it was getting tiring of hearing them blame everything on the tank tho and that might have been a factor when I was deciding to get rid of it.
to anyone who is curious I sold everything that I had for $1000.


Well good luck, and hopefully you will stay active i nthe forums....just cause you have no tank, doesn't mean you can't spread your knowledge and experiences :)


Why did you sell it? Was it for financial reason? If you don't want to go into details, I (hopefully we) understand.


Sucks you had to get out. You will be back though I'm sure. I took a break for a few years when my son was born.


Active Member
for the most part it was financial as I work in a restaurant and it has been very slow this month. I(we) are hoping that it was just a off month as the tourism season has came to an end and the convention season starts next month, so this month falls right between the two of them. We do know that the economy has a lot to do with it, but next month reservations are already looking much better.