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  1. tdragon

    I need help cycling my new tank

    i second what wablondie98664 said just throw a raw shrimp in to start the cycle also welcome to the board
  2. tdragon


    hey if u were serious about getting rid of the banded for free im right in lyn and would pick him up
  3. tdragon

    Banded Shark

    hey bull shark il take him in in lynn if ur serious about giving him away email me at or im me at aol tdragon24
  4. tdragon

    Banded Shark

    the min tank is a 180gal they get about 3feet long as for the hardyness they can survive somthings and not others the best person to ask about the sharks is NOVICE150 he knows a lot hes the shark guru on here
  5. tdragon

    how many Blue Hippo Tangs

    can i put in a 360gal tank with 2 bamboo sharks an a cali ray? also ne other suggestions for my tank will b great i want some active fish but they have to b able to get along with my ray and sharks thanks. and ne other fish recomendations wil b great
  6. tdragon

    how many Blue Hippo Tangs

    no thats not all i want to add i want some advice for filtration ill have live rock live sand and a wet/dry also a skimer and some kind of cnister filter
  7. tdragon

    how many Blue Hippo Tangs

    can i out in a 360gal tank with 2 bamboo sharks an a cali ray? also ne other suggestions for my tank will b great i want some active fish but they have to b able to get along with my ray and sharks thanks
  8. tdragon

    flow rate

    im building it out of plywood and acrylic.the acryclic is for the windows
  9. tdragon

    new setup help

    heres the pic
  10. tdragon

    all u shark xperts out there

    you would need a very lagre tank cause they get about 6 feet long
  11. tdragon

    new setup help

    this is my idea is it ok?do i need the fuge?if so what do i put in it besides live rock and sand? in the sump ill have live rock and sand also. this will be on a 360 gal shark tank there will also b some other fish. the skimmer will b the 6foot tall snailman skimmer
  12. tdragon

    base rock

    does ne 1 know were i can get alot of this in the mass area?
  13. tdragon

    all u shark xperts out there

    no the min for sharks is a 180gal tank
  14. tdragon

    is this ok

    ne ways to make it better? is this ok?
  15. tdragon

    flow rate

    how can u tell how many gals r draining from your tank? like for instance im building a 360gal tank so should i use 1"bulkheads or 2"bulkheads to get the right flow rate?can ne 1 with big tanks like this tell me what size they have thanks
  16. tdragon

    bio balls or not

    thats all u use? do u have ne pics?
  17. tdragon


    well i can tell u that that tank would b alright for a year for a shark but u would have to definetly up grade t atleast a 180gal and that is the smallest tank u can upgrade to me i have 2 bamboo sharks one is 6" one is 16" and a cali ray im in the prosses of building a 360 gal tank. what kind...
  18. tdragon

    flitration pics

    can some of u post pics of how u have set up your filtration like your sumps, fuges,wet/dry,canister and those things so i can get an idea how to set mine up thanks
  19. tdragon

    pump help

    i was wondering if ne one who has a big tank has ever used of thought of useing a sprinkler pump. i can get a sprinkler pump that does about 4000 gal/hr for about $50 +shipping just wondering. if ne 1 has used them how did they work. the one im looking at is in line so it would keep heat out of...
  20. tdragon

    baby bamboo has guts

    i feed my fish today and i usally toss food in for my ray and my biger bamboo 16" then when they r done i feed the baby but today when i threw te food in the baby got right up there with the shark and ray man he went up and got his share of the food with no fear. well just needed to say that