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  1. rusting

    Live Rock

    You don't need to put it all in at one time. You can do it as money becomes available. I did mine over a 1 year time frame, 10 to 20 lbs. at a time
  2. rusting

    Need help with chiller

  3. rusting

    Need help with chiller

    Need help with witch chiller, dose anybody know about the Arctia, Is any good? I'm looking at a 1/5HP. for a 120 tank, with a 35 gal. sump.
  4. rusting

    Red Alage ??

    Originally Posted by twistat420 This stuff has been growing good and was wondering what it is. I have looked online have not found anythig like it. I just bought some Zoo's, that have something like yours, only mine is dark purple. I was told it is a Macro Algea
  5. rusting

    Help Help,, Anemone Help!! Emergency Pt 2 With Pics!

    Originally Posted by CGRANT I know styrofoam is toxic when heated in the microwave, but not sure under water? IMO - I wouldnt try it, Unless you can get a deffinate answer, better safe than sorry. I think it might do better in/around rocks, but not sure? IMO if you can drink coffee out of...
  6. rusting

    Adding another Feather Duster - Advice Please!

    Sometimes the "face", pops off if they are stressed out. They can grow a new one,if left alone.
  7. rusting

    hair algae

    Unread Yesterday, 11:29 PM Payton 350 Payton 350 is online now Pit Lover Join Date: Jun 2006 Location: Chicagoland Posts: 55 if possible try to remove as much as you can...scrub the rocks ..preferable outside the tank with tank water..use a toothbrush.....or if you absolutely have to in the...
  8. rusting

    RO/DI- water bill?

    Its a $1.00 For salt water, and, .50 for plain R/O.
  9. rusting

    hair algae

    More snails. Lots of snails.
  10. rusting

    RO/DI- water bill?

    No my bill has not gone up as much as I was spending buying water @ $1.00 a gallon.
  11. rusting

    Red Slime(cyno) Wont Go Away! Help Please!!!

    When I had this problem, I added 2 small powerheads. Icut PVC pipe to lenght, and bought, some big cap, for PVC. I cut the bottom end at a 45 , and glued the caps to them to stop a sand storm. I then put the powerheads on the pipe to give me more flow at the bottom.
  12. rusting

    Red Slime(cyno) Wont Go Away! Help Please!!!

    Do you use R/O water? Try adding more flow, to you tank, and cut back on the amount of food you put in.
  13. rusting

    what could i keep under this?

    For a little more , you can get 54 w t5's, around $300. A lot more light for the money. I just got some with, moon lights, and 6 bulbs, for $325.
  14. rusting

    high nitrate levels

    A 20% water change per week is a very good way to I.M.O.
  15. rusting

    Green hairlike Alge

    One snail per Gal. is a good start.
  16. rusting

    Queen conch question

    Somtimes, they can't flip over by themselves, it may just need some help.
  17. rusting

    Explain where your user name originated

    I use to tell pepole, that old Ironworkers don't die we just rust away, now that I'm retired, I'm rusting.
  18. rusting

    sand or crushed coral

    C.C. to sand ________________________________________ when I did my tank, 2 months ago. I got some storage tubs,small powerheads,heaters, and buckets. I put my coral in one tub and my live rock inthe other, with as much water as they would hold. I was then able to net my fish, and put them in a...
  19. rusting

    crushed coralq

    when I did my tank, 2 months ago. I got some storage tubs,small powerheads,heaters, and buckets. I put my coral in one tub and my live rock inthe other, with as much water as they would hold. I was then able to net my fish, and put them in a small tank. I took the water out. Iwas able to save...
  20. rusting

    want to trade local only kankakee il

    There is more than one way to kankakee! Local saying. It's a sub. of chicago.