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  1. rusting

    what is your reef tank temp?

    I keep mine at 79, the sump is in the basement to help that. I will be adding a chiller soon.
  2. rusting

    Anyone still finding Southdown or OldCastle sand anywhere?

    I bought 5 bags about a month ago at Home depot, in Il. Chicago subs. It was around $4.00 a bag.
  3. rusting

    water changes

    I do a 20% every week. I would not cut back.
  4. rusting

    Quickrete play sand

    Originally Posted by dingo0722 I saw at home depot in the garden section, white play sand that looks alot like the old Southdown. It is made by Oldcastle, and sold under a different name. Has anyone used it? I use it in my tank. It is the same sand as souhtdown. I put 5 bags in my 120, and...
  5. rusting

    Southdown Tropical Play Sand

    I bought 5 bags last month, at H.D. in Chicago suburbs. Looks great in my tank.
  6. rusting

    new store in IL

    Originally Posted by HaLo_Frk03 lol rusting u think u can save me a t-shirt?? i wont be able to be there at 10 : ( its ok if u cant... lol... what are the hours on saturday? and what are some of the "door prizes"? They will tell us tomorrow, but I wont be there untill saturday
  7. rusting

    new store in IL

    Originally Posted by HaLo_Frk03 cool... is it just all swf and coral?? do u have a website?? The corals are now in, but not priced yet. Seeyou Sat.
  8. rusting


    Originally Posted by SaltFan What?? You got one thing right only. It will not touch the cyano. Trate trap. What? leach the system? What? Sure if you leave it in your tank for a year. If it's changed often it's fine left to long, it is like any other object, that can collect junk.
  9. rusting

    new store in IL

    Its a corprate web not for this store.
  10. rusting

    Removing Cyano

    You may need more overall water flow, try addin a powerhead or 2
  11. rusting

    How much is your gasoline?

    2.99 at the mobil in Schaumburg Ill.
  12. rusting


    Carbon will do nothing for cyno, but will become a nitrate trap, and leach it back into your system. Water changes, lest food RO/DI water more water flow is the way to go.
  13. rusting


    Originally Posted by Crox I am having a big problem with cyano for the last 2 months. I can't take anymore. I never tested my phosphates. Does anybody knows if those red algae pads work? I am very desperate!! This is a post I just did to Drew 2005 I hope it helpsyou. Cyno Blowing it...
  14. rusting

    Removing Cyano

    Blowing it will just spread it around. You can try to vacume it, but it will most likely return. Change your water flow rate, you may have areas that have little, or no flow. Cut back on feeding. Do 20% water changes, weekly, with RO/DI water, never tap water, find out why you have cyno.
  15. rusting

    algea on my sand bed

    It sounds like cynobacteria. Snails will not eat it. You may be over feeding, cut back to every other day. how is you flow rate? Add more flow with small powerheads. Use only ROO/DI water. It's getting fed from somewhere, find the problem and fix it.
  16. rusting

    new store in IL

    Grand opening is saturday. look in news paper for adds. Yes lots of sales.
  17. rusting


    You may have some dead zone flow areas, try adding some small powerheads, and cut back on feeding. Its getting food from some where. 20% water change once a week will also help.
  18. rusting

    new store in IL

    Originally Posted by HaLo_Frk03 do u have prices? website? Thay have a web. but dont sell on it as faf as I know. Live stock is not priced yet.
  19. rusting

    new store in IL

    Originally Posted by HaLo_Frk03 cool... is it just all swf and coral?? do u have a website?? They have salt & fresh water fish, no corals at this time, mabe latter. we will have inverts.
  20. rusting

    new store in IL

    Originally Posted by HaLo_Frk03 u own it? No just part time worker. Helps pay for salt, and stuf.