You need to first find the cause. you can take out your live rock a little at a time, and scrub it with a tooth brush, rinse it in old tank water, and put it back in. Buy more snails, they love hair algae. per gal. would not hurt.
Originally Posted by washowi
It sure isn't good for it. I run my lights like this (I use 2 400w 14K MH with 2 50/50 dual atintics -135w each)
50/50's on at 10AM off at 10 PM
MH on at 11 AM off at 7 PM
All tanks need algea, but you want to control it. My run with Cyno was from high phospates...
Originally Posted by washowi
ditto you have cyno...suck it off with a turkey baster. You need more flow in the tank. also reduce light time. You use tap water in your make up water? What is your Phospate level? Cyno needs food to live - you have to starve it.
Good point, washowi. Use only...
Could be cynobacteria. Cut back on feeding. How is your water flow? you may not be getting enough movement on your sandbed. When that happend to me I added 2 small powerheads, and started to feed every day. No more cyno.
I found it on Barrington Rd. and Schaumburg Rd. in Schaumburg. It's about $4.00 a bag. The bag has a blue label, and is dist. by Old Castle ( southdown).
I have a 120, And when I bought my tank, my LFS sold a mix. I was allways vacuming my bed. I just took it all out, and put in a deep sandbed. I got white sand, From H.D. for about $4.00 a bag. I went with 5 bags, looks great.