Search results

  1. rusting

    Reef Packages

    Check sidebar under reef packages, but the rule I think is 1or 2 per gallon.
  2. rusting

    green hair algae

    How old are your bulbs? I changed mine, and did the toothbrush thing, cut back on feeding, got a lot of snails,I also added 2 power heads for more flow, now my tank looks great.
  3. rusting

    can you help me

  4. rusting

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    RO/DI in the house, should buy it with your tank.
  5. rusting

    Silica Sand

    I've also been doing some research on silica based sand. From every thing I read. it can also be a good choice. It may or may not cause diotoms.Do a search on this site and see what you think. It would look more like sand than the stone. What ever you buy make sure you like it a lot! It's very...
  6. rusting

    Silica Sand

    I would rinse it real good, and use it myself. Some people might have other thoughts about this. I think starting from scratch you should be OK. Go slow check your water.
  7. rusting

    Silica Sand

    It's white as snow. Yes it looks good and passes the vinegar test, so it should work in the tank. I don't have it in my 120, just an old tank in the basement, to see how it looked, no livestock in that tank yet.
  8. rusting

    Silica Sand

    Most of it is useable , 40 pound bag at the depot was 2.65 You might want to buy one bog and try it out, see if you like it.
  9. rusting

    Silica Sand

    It has some real fine grains in it, what did not go through the screen just looked bettet to me, more of that "sugar" size we all seam to look for.
  10. rusting

    Silica Sand

    I bought some at Homedepot, I put it in a 30 gal. down in the basement, to see how it looked. I put it on window screening and poured old tank water on it. Anything left on the screen I put in the tank. Looks good so far.
  11. rusting

    Evil Green Algae!!!!!!!

    How oldare your lights? Do you use Ro/Di water? You need more snails, they eat a lot of algae. Do 10% water change once a week, Ro/Di water. Cut back on feeding. Do a search on this site for hair algae. Hope this helps.
  12. rusting

    Skimmer platform

    Container stores sell small crates, they look like milk crates, I've one in my sump. It dosn't stop water flow, worked great for me.
  13. rusting

    Step by step to kill Aiptasia

    I went after some yesterday, I used hot R/O water, shot them and at the same time, sucked them out. I won't know for a while, if they will come back or not.
  14. rusting

    green hair algea

    Snails seemed to work the best for me, although cleaning your rock will give them a big head start. Lot of work but worth it. You need to find out why you have algea, lights feeding. Stoping it before gets out of hand is always best.
  15. rusting

    Limestone screening

    Thanks for your input chipmaker. I think we are on the same page now. I retired 1 1/2 years ago and am always looking to save a dime where I can. It will be an intresting project, plan to go real slow. So far everything looks good.
  16. rusting

    Limestone screening

    I also though about that. Thats why it is in old tank in the basement. Just wanted to see how it looks and feels, no livestock in that tank. I'll see how it goes after afew weeks.
  17. rusting

    Clean Up In Aisle 4 - Hair Algea?

    I had a real bad hair algea problem a while back. I got a big clean up crew, 'lot of snails'.I changed out my lights, got a R/O-D/I, I do a 10% water change once a week, and cut way back on feeding. My tank looks great now. This worked for me, hope you find the right combo for you.
  18. rusting

    Limestone screening

    Has any body out there used limestone screening for their tank? I bought 40 lbs. at Home Depot for $2.65. IT passes the vinegar test. It's very dusty, so I rinsed it real good, and put it in an old 30 gal. I've got in the basement. It cleared up nicely over night. Nice white look for the bottom...
  19. rusting

    dowflake 77

    I have an update on my search fof Dowflake. I found icemelt, called driveway heat by Firestone at the Lowes. It is Peladow, a consentrated Dowflake. A 9.5 lbs. bottle runs about $10.00
  20. rusting

    dowflake 77

    #5 Today, 03:23 PM javatech Homer of Borg Join Date: Jul 2002 Location: Kansas >><< Posts: 942 you can also use some of the ice melts too like driveway heet Thanks Javatech; I'm also looking into material yards. When I was working the concrete trucks would come out...