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  1. rusting

    I need help!!

    You could cut back to one feeding a day, I feed every other day. No tap water is ever good, as you are finding out.
  2. rusting

    dark brown algae?

    Sounds like you are on the right track.
  3. rusting

    cloudy water

    You need to do weekly water changes. I do 10% every week.
  4. rusting

    cloudy water

    IF you get your water from a lfs. store, it should be RO/DI. It is a purifying system.
  5. rusting

    cloudy water

    Do you use RO/DI water?
  6. rusting

    No Powerhead!

    You can add a Deionizer Filter in line after your unit
  7. rusting

    dark brown algae?

    How often do you chonge water, and how much water do you change at a time. I do 10% a week, this has been working for me.
  8. rusting

    would you, could you on HARDWOOD Floors?

    I would not use carpet under the stand, if it gets wet it will hold the moisture, an you will have a mold problem. you could go to Hd. or Lowes and get a sheet liner for a shower stall basen. I think it's about $10.00 afoot, and it's 5 ft. wide.
  9. rusting

    dark brown algae?

    Try adding more flow, you my have some dead areas in your tank. You might also cut down the amount yo feed.
  10. rusting

    would you, could you on HARDWOOD Floors?

    I put my sump in the basement, and ran my RO/DI over to it. It works real nice.
  11. rusting

    I need help!!

    You can add more live rock 20 or 30 lbs. would be good for a start. How often do you feed?
  12. rusting

    I need help!!

    Yes it is hair algae. You need to stop using filtered tap water and start using RO water You may also want to add more water flow by add 2 small power heads
  13. rusting

    I need help!!

    Is the dark red algae slime or coraline?
  14. rusting

    Help green algae on aquarium walls and equipment

    You may need more flow rate, I added 2 powerheads Rio 600's I put them on PVC pipe Cut the bottom at 45 and send the water down to the bottom of the tank, you can get a big endcap to set them in, to keep your sand from blowing around
  15. rusting

    what the...

    You can also increase your water flow. Along with regular water changes of RO/DI water your tank will look better, and be healthier.
  16. rusting

    Help green algae on aquarium walls and equipment

    misfit is giving you good advise RO/DI will save money and lots of grief down the road, Ive been there and done that.
  17. rusting

    Help green algae on aquarium walls and equipment

    Tap water is not good for your tank. RO/DI water is the only way to go.
  18. rusting

    heat water?

    Thanks everyone for your replies.
  19. rusting

    I need help!!

    Stop using tap water. Use only RO/DI or you will have more than dead snails. Tap water will add phosphate, not good for your tank or live stock.
  20. rusting

    what the...

    The cheap way can cost you a lot in the long run always use RO/DI water