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  1. rusting

    Live rock for FOWLR

    It has more benefit than the space it takes up.
  2. rusting

    powercompact lighting?

    If you get your water from a LFS. it should be RD/IO. It is water that is cleaned by a filter system. A must for SW tanks.
  3. rusting

    powercompact lighting?

    I do 10% ever week, but I ame cutting back to every other week. You may have answered this, but you need to use RO/DI water.
  4. rusting

    powercompact lighting?

    Live rock is rock with good bacteria and critters on and in the rock. You need 1 1/2 lbs per. gal. You do not need to get all at once. They sell it on this site. It helpa in filtraiton of your tank, very important for any saltwater tank. You can add it any time as it is cured. You can also get...
  5. rusting

    powercompact lighting?

    Sorry for getting off subject. I agree with Lion Crazz, find a good home for your tang.Is your question now about coral? I lost my place.
  6. rusting

    powercompact lighting?

    I however do not agree with rusting. Inch per gallon measurements do not work for various reasons and most of those websites do not give the right details about proper tank size and growth about fish. They are trying to sell you the fish, so they are not going to give you what you need to know...
  7. rusting


    You may need more water flow. Its not good to stir up your sand.
  8. rusting

    powercompact lighting?

    Look on this site for fish, copy paste the name, then google it ,and then look at different places that will tell you how big they get. I think the rule is 1 inch per 3 gals.
  9. rusting

    powercompact lighting?

    Your tank is way small for a yellow tang. IMO. you would be over stocked
  10. rusting

    please tell me EVERYTHING that will eat green hair algae

    I help mine when ever they need it which is not very often, mostly when I knock them off.
  11. rusting

    please tell me EVERYTHING that will eat green hair algae

    Astrea snails do a great job on algae. I have about 70, they keep things real clean.
  12. rusting

    diatoms algee nitrates

    Sounds like you may have some cynobacteria. How much water flow do you have? You may want to add some small powerheads.
  13. rusting

    Vacation Options?

    Most fish will graze off the rocks for days.
  14. rusting

    please tell me EVERYTHING that will eat green hair algae

    You need a lot more snails, 1 per. gal.
  15. rusting

    Anyone Use C-Balance??

    Larrynews gave you the answer, test your water if it's low,add 2 part.
  16. rusting

    rodi vs distilled

    Idon't know to much about distilled water, but RO/DI is cleaned through a series of filters. I do know it is very good for your tank and livestock.
  17. rusting

    29 gal pics

    lookig real good to me. Makes me want to do somthing with my 29.
  18. rusting

    Why wont this Cyno go away

    2 small power heads worked for me.
  19. rusting

    to the expierienced with large tanks

    Can atank ever be big enough?