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  1. rusting

    please tell me EVERYTHING that will eat green hair algae

    You need to finde why you have hair algae.
  2. rusting

    please tell me EVERYTHING that will eat green hair algae

    What kind of water do you use, and how old are your lights>
  3. rusting

    to the expierienced with large tanks

    I started with a 5 gal. fw. from a friend, soon went to 10 gal. 15gal. and then a 30. had the 30 for10 or 12 years, then caught salt fever 4years ago. HOOkED
  4. rusting

    What fish to get clean?

    It would be worth your time and money to buy a RO/DI unit. I think they sell them on this site, if not you can get one on line.
  5. rusting

    Looks like i am starting over

    Look at the fish on this site, then look them up on line to see how big they get, before you buy. Hope things work out better for you next time around.
  6. rusting

    How much and often do you change water

    I have a 120, and do 10% every week
  7. rusting

    Just getting started

    Google has a great spell ckeck
  8. rusting

    What fish to get clean?

    Try Home Depot or wallmart for water, if you continue Using tap water you will have trouble. Tap water is not cost effective.
  9. rusting

    Just getting started

    Your temp is good, your Your salinity is low, for a fish only,I think it should be at 1.23, for reef at 1.25. Buy more live rock,1 1/2 lbs per. gal.RO/DI unit is a good thing.
  10. rusting

    Green hair Algae

    When you buy your blenny, pick up some more snails.
  11. rusting

    Peppermint Shrimp Opinion

    I bought one put it in my tank, and didn't see it fof two months. I found it in my overflow put it back in the tank, only to find it in the overflow again.
  12. rusting

    emrald crab ?

    No a emerald crab will not work.Sounds to me like you may have a flow problem. How big is your tank? You may want to add 2 small power heads.Also you need to use RO/DI water for top ups and water changes. do a 10 or 15% water change every week untill you get things under control.Cut back on...
  13. rusting

    Green hair Algae

    You need about 1 snail per gal. Also you need to use RO/DI water for top ups and water changes. do a 10 or 15% water change every week untill you get things under control. Lights should be changed at least every 12 months. Feed every other day.
  14. rusting

    Green hair Algae

    Lights, and over feeding are major factors, with algae blooms.
  15. rusting


    I have no experience with Triggers, but most fish will graze off of your live rock.
  16. rusting

    cc vs sand

    Yes, live rock is very good in any tank IMO.
  17. rusting


    I also do every day . Hungry fish are healthy fish. Over feeding is one of the bigest mistakes people make.
  18. rusting

    RO-DI units

    I have a 35 gal.A day RO/DI and a14 gal. tank. Well worth the money.
  19. rusting

    just beginning

    RO/DI is a filter system. You want to use RO water for your tank, If you don't you will have troble down the road with hair algae.
  20. rusting

    Red Algae Problem!

    Don't use tap water. Use RO/DI.