I had a bad cyno outbreak. I added 2 small pumps to my system, and it has worked great. Gunk will acumulate inlow flow areas, and cyno will start growing. This worked for me.
How to catch damsels. I decided to change out my c.c., because I found Old Castle sand at H.D. last week. So while I had my coral and live rock,out of the tank,I was able to finely catch them. Big job but worth it.
Originally Posted by kuyamark
yes ou can use that sand that's the sand that i used about a year and a half ago
Thanks, thats what I was hopping for. I have already removed 2/3 of my CC, and I hope to put sand in tomorrow.
I went to HD today and they had white play sand, labled, Kolor Scape distributed by Oldcastle. It has a blue lable. Anyone know if it is the right stuff? It looks real good.
I thought for a while that tap water would be just fine. Wrong, I had big time algae blooms. Ihad to take out live rock and scrub it with a toothbrush. phosphate was way up. It was alot more work than it was worth to just do it right. Just my 2cents worth.