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  1. zshain012

    Why go on a vacation if all you want to do is watch a movie?

    My girlfriend, best friend, his girlfriend and I recently went to San Diego. We did fun stuff like go to Coronado, and Mission Beach but we also went to the mall, which I didn't get
  2. zshain012

    8g to something bigger...

    Hello, I have decided that I want to transfer to a bigger tank. Currently I have an 8g Biocube. I want to stay in the nano sizes. I am debating on a 14g Biocube, or some other type of nano brand like the Nanocube....etc. What do you all think I should get? I also want to know how I would go...
  3. zshain012

    Pictures of my Aiptasia and a Question

    the first looks like aptasia but the second doesn't.
  4. zshain012

    Just finished setting up.

    I really like the rock. The bubbles at the top are probably from a hang on filter, I'm assuming?
  5. zshain012

    My tank and all thats in it!

    I like your chromis. I don't like the fake plant though. IMO, it's tacky
  6. zshain012

    true perc or occelaris,which to get?

    wow, those look very nice.
  7. zshain012


    haha fudge....sorry.
  8. zshain012

    nitrate problem

    get a refugium and put mass amounts of macro in it. sometimes puffers don't bother cuc as long as you feed them enough.
  9. zshain012

    What are these?

    thanks for the reply. Are they okay? Does this mean my tank is in good shape?
  10. zshain012

    What are these?

    Hey my tank has been set up for about 9 months now. I now have these weird things growing in my tank. What are they? are they harmful? The first is the green stuff, not the snail. The second is the whitish thing with a hole in it, not the green zoos.
  11. zshain012

    thoguht i would show off

    maybe it's to clean lol
  12. zshain012

    Clown fish

    Originally Posted by sepulatian There is no film at all? How far up the face does this go? How long ago did you get this clown? Can you give us a very detailed description? no film at all on the eyes. I got the clown about 3 months ago. It's just on his "forehead" if you will. It's above his...
  13. zshain012

    Name The Fish You Can't Seem To Keep

    For some reason I can't keep gobies. They are supposed to be hardy. I've had a green banded, green, and a yellow goby. All of them died.
  14. zshain012

    true perc or occelaris,which to get?

    really? what color are they? PiCTUReS!
  15. zshain012

    Clown fish

    Ok thanks. It might be some kind of infection. I don't want to treat it for anything if I don't know what it is.
  16. zshain012

    Clown fish

    nah, I don't have any stinging corals. He likes to pick stuff off the glass and rocks. Whenever I put my hand in the tank he bites me pretty hard. It might just be that.
  17. zshain012

    Clown fish

  18. zshain012

    Eel for new tank?

    the ghost eel only needs about 30 gallons.
  19. zshain012

    Clown fish

    Hello, my clown fish has white/clearish stuff on his face. It kind of looks like skin. I think it's from where he picks stuff off the rocks. His eyes looks good, no film on them or anything. I can't take a picture because he is always moving and my camera is poop. Anyone know what this could be?
  20. zshain012

    what kind of mushroom is this?

    It looks like hairy mushrooms to me