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  1. zshain012

    reef safe starfish

    I've seen some reefs with them in it
  2. zshain012

    need help on pico

    What size? Idk really know the answer to this one because powerheads have too much flow. Hmmm...maybe an airline?
  3. zshain012

    reef safe starfish

    I have a brittle in my 8g but that's because it came inside in my lr. I can't find it now but anyways I think you should go with one of these. Also a chocolate chip might be good.
  4. zshain012

    ICE storms

    the second to last pic is really cool looking,no pun intended :)
  5. zshain012

    ICE storms

    It's here too, and pretty bad.
  6. zshain012

    Post Your Trees!!!!

    Originally Posted by ruaround just for you mimz!!! he made it last year for my xmas gift... he was 5... that's awesome
  7. zshain012

    Lion Fish Died

    Some things just die for no apparent reason, it happens to humans all the time......sorry for your loss
  8. zshain012

    SPS Success With Just T5s

    I want to keep sps under my pcs but right now I only have a lps
  9. zshain012

    How to frag a shroom/and keep it.

    ok, so I know that shrooms spread and split on their own. Is it better to just let them split naturally and spread all over your rock or is it better to frag them?
  10. zshain012

    Post Your Trees!!!!

    haha I thought you meant tree coral, lol
  11. zshain012

    lighter color clown

    no, my camera stinks. Do you think it's stress or some kind of infection?
  12. zshain012

    lighter color clown

    I noticed today that on "nose" of my n a k e d clown it looks lighter than the rest of the body. what do you guys think this is? It's not really super white, it's just a little lighter than usual. Do you think it's from the hammer coral? IDk, please help. Maybe I'm just too paranoid
  13. zshain012

    Newbie Queston...Need Help Please.

    a raw, uncooked shrimp works well to start the cycle. just put it in a tip of some panty hose and drop it in the tank for a couple of days or until the ammonia starts to increase then take it out. This will jump start your cycle
  14. zshain012

    Newbie Queston...Need Help Please.

    IMO if it's live arrogate you shouldn't wash it.
  15. zshain012

    Newbie Queston...Need Help Please.

    I didn't check my levels when I put in my sand. You shouldn't have any ammonia or anything if the water is new, and you don't have to run the filter or anything really(I ran my power head though) but it takes your sand a while to settle
  16. zshain012

    Took filter

    I don't think my 8g needs a skimmer.
  17. zshain012

    what did you pay for your live rock?

    I paid 6.99 a pound. I bought it from my lfs. It's great because so many things came out of it, and it's cured
  18. zshain012

    Took filter

    out a couple of days ago in my biocube. No matter how many times I wash it, it's still dirty. I might just leave it out because I've seen European tanks with out filters and they look amazing
  19. zshain012

    clear zoos

    Originally Posted by FaTcAt What type of lighting do you have? Are the "reaching" for light? I have pcs. No, I just noticed the stalks look clear. Maybe a parasite? They still look the same
  20. zshain012

    clear zoos

    bump, help plz