Search results

  1. demosthenes

    20 Gallon Plans?

    Hello all. I have a 20G that is soon to be available for its first ever inhabitants. It has a 3" Southdown SB and about 20 lbs of Figi LR. For alternate filtration I have a Magnum 350 Pro w/ 2 BioWheels. I have been thinking about what to put in it for awhile, and was considering a pair of...
  2. demosthenes

    First post....

    This forum is awesome. Now I no longer have to find a specific BB for Nano Info, I can just come to this forum. Thanks for the new forum!
  3. demosthenes

    WANTED: skimmer overflobox 2 powerheads

    Does that mean you don't want the SeaClone? Because I sort of want to sell everything or nothing. It would be too much work to ship the powerheads alone.
  4. demosthenes

    Let's Light A Fuge!

    Ah, Demosthenes was a great philosopher. I tend to agree with his tendencies and such, so I just thought to use his name. Not really, that's just what I picked up from Enders Game by Orson Scott Card. Locke and Demosthenes were the names used by Ender's brother and sister to put out...
  5. demosthenes

    FOTW: Zebrasoma Tangs

    Well written and informative. I liked how you got the space issue across without settting a definite standard, because no tank is the same, and there is no real determinate. I also liked the pictures.
  6. demosthenes

    OT Ad Busters, Popup Stopper Etc...Recommendations Plez!

    Wouldn't start an argument with me! I only use XP because it came with this computer. I prefer Linux to everything else, but I use what I can get. PS Beth, it is true. The pop-ups are due to the Windows XP update. I'm not sure if these companies are taking advantage of a Microsoft...
  7. demosthenes

    WANTED: skimmer overflobox 2 powerheads

    Well, I have the Skimmer: SeaClone 100 w/ Maxi-Jet 1200 (Standard), and I also have the PowerHeads: 2 Hagen 402s. Had I seen this earlier I would have had the overflow box, but used it to set up a custom sump I just got rid of. Let me know on offers for the above.
  8. demosthenes

    Let's Light A Fuge!

    Okay, I have finally gotten everything else for my tank set up and running, and now it comes to lighting my refugium for the final part of the setup. I have a 12"x18" area I intend to light, so I'm thinking PCs? However, I'm clueless as to how many bulbs, what wattage, and Kelvin of each...
  9. demosthenes

    My DIY CaCO3 reactor

    Wow, that looks really professional! If you weren't so far away I'd offer to pay you to make another, but being halfway across the world would make shipping a pain. ;) Anyway, it looks really nice. Good luck during the leak test. PS Yes, I have been told that you can simply use CC, but am...
  10. demosthenes

    Amiracle Sump (w/ Pump) For Sale

    Hey, what I have for sale is an Amiralce Advanced SlimLine 50 model. It is a smaller and very efficient sump, and would work great on anything up to a 55G. It is 18x8x16, and thus would fit in most every stand out there with room to spare. It comes with the everything that is needed to run...
  11. demosthenes

    dumb question about sig

    It has to do with Bandwidth usage and conservation. Just look at how many pictures are loaded up in this forum alone and you'll understand why.
  12. demosthenes

    I really did this "bass ackwards"

    Okay, here's the best way to do it, IME, that is. You will need to take out the water, there's no avoiding that. Use, if you have them, the large tank-only trash cans that most use to mix up new batches of RO water. Siphon or pump out the water from one of your tanks into the trash can(s)...
  13. demosthenes

    Rye - Good Deal?

    Okay, thanks a lot. I plan on going out and getting it very soon. This is one rash decision I don't mind on making.
  14. demosthenes

    125 DIY stand progress

    From the first pic it looks like you're going to have recessed doors? I was just wondering if you were planning on having extra space around the door itself and use external hinges or keep the door large and use internal?
  15. demosthenes

    What is your dream tank?

    Originally posted by LHarm 67 scarlet cleaner shrimp...70 hermit crabs...And now for coral and invertbrates... I couldn't help but point this one out. As for my dream tank, it involves a dream house. I have it planned out for a class project, and it includes numerous in-wall tanks, storage...
  16. demosthenes


    Originally posted by Bonermeister I saw Monsters Inc. and Ice Age Yeah, we have 3 foster kids under the age of 4 that love those movies. So we have them both, plus Lilo and Stitch, and I'm always watching them with them. I cannot wait to go so Finding Nemo though. I've got a lot of my...
  17. demosthenes

    Nassarius Snails

    Okay, thanks. I haven't found any good priced ones yet. My email is Thanks again.
  18. demosthenes

    Rye - Good Deal?

    Hey, I figured I'd ask Ryebread since he owns/works at a camera store, whether or not this is a good deal, but anyone else can chime in as well. Here's the deal. It's a Fugi FinePix 3.2 MP w/ 6X Optical/3.2X Digital Zoom. It also comes with a 32 MB Fugi xD Memory Card. The total is $399...
  19. demosthenes

    O.T. Peoples SN's

    I made a thread like this awhile back, but it disappeared for some reason, maybe something or another got said, and it got out of hand, but I think it's a good idea to make communication for small questions and chit-chat easier. Mine is Jtorma15, feel free to IM me with questions, comments, or...
  20. demosthenes

    WTB: Bioballs

    If you don't get any let me know Krunk. I literally have thousands of them. I get them in my sumps and such, and then don't need them, so I have a lot of extras.