Search results

  1. demosthenes

    Nassarius Snails

    Okay, thanks. That'd be great if started carrying them. I love buying from here because I know who and what it supports. I found some Cerith Snails from here, and if only the carry the Nassarius I'll be in business.
  2. demosthenes

    Nassarius Snails

    Since doesn't have any Nassarius snails or Cerith snails, does anyone know where to get any at a good price? I've got a 75G w/ about 150lbs of LR in the tank, and don't yet have a clean-up crew. So, if anyone could help out? I want some Nassarius, Cerith, and Bumblebee Snails, as well...
  3. demosthenes

    new tank stand in the works

    That is a breath-taking stand. Good work NewReefers.
  4. demosthenes

    Anyone allergic to aquarium water???

    I'm not sure if it's the same glove or not, but I have seen ads for one that goes up to the shoulder. If the Aqua Glove has a Yellow hand w/ a Blue arm then this is the same, if not, I'm not sure how high up it goes.
  5. demosthenes


    Not only that, if you leave it in the ocean too much it will kill everything!!! Not to sure of the veracity of that statement, but it's the new thing going around. There's an article stating that one current species of caulerpa never actually lived in the ocean, and was only an aquarium plant...
  6. demosthenes

    Will this work (new tank w/o cycling)??

    I don't think it will be as convenient as you may think. First off, a cycle is simply the nitrosoma and nitrobacter bacteria utilizing the surfaces of the tank, ie tank walls, substrate, LR surfaces, to attach and then doing their job in converting one substance to another, so the water won't...
  7. demosthenes

    Other Hobby Pics???

    Hey Fishead, what type of guns are those? Right now I have a Spyder Shutter, but have been thinking of picking up an AutoMag w/ like 5 extra barrels and a bunch of other little bonuses.
  8. demosthenes

    Spring Break Pics

    Those are AWESOME! Keep up the good work. I want to go to that place. I went to a ton of aquariums over SB but don't have a very good digital camera, so I don't have any pics to share.
  9. demosthenes

    housing for a peacock mantis shrimp

    Boycott --! Not really, it's an informative site, but it's somewhat competition, so I wouldn't suggest leading someone away from this BB when we can help in the situation. Also, as for a DSB in a 20G, apparently the footprint is so small that is in not an effective means of filtration, and...
  10. demosthenes

    Bug of the Week - What's Next?

    I don't know if they're really considered a "bug" but you might want to do Medusa Worms. They are really interesting, and I saw a really cool one while I was in Orlando at Sea World's Tropical Reef Exhibit.
  11. demosthenes

    RO/DI: Low Sodium?

    Thanks for the help, I'll look into the DI Bypass, Java, which should save some money, thanks. :D And Broomer, the reason that I have so much sodium in my water is due to our water softener, according to the dietician. Finally on to Sebae's point. I'm not actually that big of a guy. In...
  12. demosthenes

    RO/DI: Low Sodium?

    Our water doesn't have flouride in it either, so I have special toothpaste from my dentist that takes care of that. So, does anyone know if this water will have sodium in it? Because by using the RO it will be the same as the bottled water, thanks for any help.
  13. demosthenes

    RO/DI: Low Sodium?

    I've got good news and bad news. Good news first, my parents are buying me a brand-new RO/DI unit. Bad news is, it's because I have high blood pressure, and by having a water softener, our water has too much sodium in it for my diet. So, here's my question, would getting an Ro/DI unit help...
  14. demosthenes

    OT: I Needed a laugh!

    I've seen some of the previews and commercials for the show, and I don't really know what to think. ET or Extra, one of the two, had a report on the "secret meetings" that the producers of the show had regarding ratings, and it was reported that the stupider they made her look, the higher the...
  15. demosthenes

    COTW: Bubble coral

    Sunken Ship, is that the Pearl Bubble that you have? Yours looks really cool, they all do, but yours has a different look about it that I really like. I'd like to get one similar to that sometime soon, so if you could just let me know what type it is and what you feed it. Don't worry though...
  16. demosthenes

    brittle star predator?

    Hey Frozen Guy, sorry to say this, but you sort of proved Jwishy's point there. That *appears* to be a Green Serpent Star, not a Green Brittle Star, notice the lack of "Brittles", for lack of a better word, on the arms. I say appears because the picture seems a little fuzzy, and their is the...
  17. demosthenes

    OT: Peace or war?

    I don't know. I'm for peace, but where do you go from there? If you want peace, you must prepare from war, but where do you go from preparation?
  18. demosthenes

    Nitrates off the charts

    Originally posted by Bstoner Oh ya one more thing:D if I do switch to sand; what kind should i use, all live sand or just dry sand since my tank is about 2 years old. Which kind would you reccomend. Since you've already shown that you're willing to work for your tank, by the removing of all...
  19. demosthenes

    almost done cycling... what next?

    Originally posted by Irenicus Yeah, there are True and False ones I believe The False Perc is a common name at most every LFS, but it is simply a Common Clownfish, Amphiprion ocellaris, while the so-called True Percula, is simply a Percula, A. percula. It's not like one is a poseur or...
  20. demosthenes

    Found Southdown Sand in NJ

    That's what I did when I found my SouthDown. It is a lot of work, and I mean a lot, if you mess up. However, I got lucky and seemed to remove it quite easily, then I dumped most of it in my lake, after having gone through it to remove as many large pods and all of the Bristleworms as I could...