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  1. demosthenes

    Tank Bowing

    I would have done that, but it's all in one hood. It has the 150W MH in the middle, and 2 36W PCs on each side. The tank should be fine if I add braces to it right?
  2. demosthenes

    Tank Bowing

    Hey, I just got some new lights, that have a 150W HQI MH bulb in them, but only one. So, obviously, it is situated directly above the center brace. So I think it'll be fine, just block some of the light's all. Well, it started to melt, and now I realize that if I want to run the MH at all...
  3. demosthenes

    Luptin Pitman

  4. demosthenes

    Luptin Pitman

    Hey, I remember your thread about your tank bowing, and I have a similar problem. I just got a new MH/PC hood combo, but the MH is directly located over the center brace, and it's HQI so it's more intense but also smaller, so the brace blocks even more of it than usual. To add to that, the MH...
  5. demosthenes

    Told LFS they're full of S?

    Man, once again, I seem to be pretty lucky. I've got two really good LFS in my area, one I can't seem to find, and a fourth that's been fined and the owner arrested so many times the paper doesn't even publish it anymore. Needless to say, I don't shop there or the place I can't find, but the...
  6. demosthenes

    So is this considered an algae problem?

    I would just leave it then, if it happened to be my tank. I don't strive to add it to my tanks, but wouldn't mind if a few patches popped up here or there. Like I said, I like the look of it, and don't seem to have any problems with it.
  7. demosthenes

    So is this considered an algae problem?

    Hey, that looks like 2 of the Dreaded Algaes! :eek: Can't really tell, but it looks like Valonia surrounded by Hair Algae? It's really good pic quality, but I can't distinguish greens, from browns, from reds. Maybe someone else can tell you if there is some Hair Algae there, but there is for...
  8. demosthenes

    Who Has The Largest Tank?

    Wow Aggie, 2.5?!? That's my dream one day. It's not the size of the tank, it's what you do with it! I've got a friend with a 2.5, and it's really nice looking. Good luck with yours.
  9. demosthenes

    what to put in new 29 gallon

    Fish that I would consider include the Pygmy Angels, such as the KeyHole or the Coral Beauty, smaller Gobies, such as an Engineer Goby or Twinspot, the Firefish or Dartfish Goby/Family, a favorite, some Clownfish, and if you are so inclined, maybe 2-3 Damsels by themselves. I'm not saying get...
  10. demosthenes

    Best protein skimmer?

    Yeah, if your looking for a good Skimmer in that price range I would definitely get a Berlin Turbo or a Berlin Turbo Hang-On, depends on the amount of room in your sump. I have a Berlin Hang-On on my 75G that's hooked up onto the High Turbulence Zone of my fuge run by a Mag7 and it is awesome...
  11. demosthenes

    Large Reef W/ Mantis?

    Okay, I've just thought of something. Let's say, for some unknown reason, I decide to go strictly Reef aka No Fish. If I got some of this AquaCultured LR and it happened to have a Mantis Shrimp in it, couldn't I just leave it in there? So, I'm really asking if Mantis Shrimp can harm corals or...
  12. demosthenes

    Who Has The Largest Tank?

    Okay you guys, nows our chance to brag. I want to know who has the largest tank. Don't be shy, just throw the size out there. Heck, I've only got a 75, but for a brief few minutes IN THIS POST I'll have the biggest tank out there. So bring it on guys, who's gonna dethrone the Torminator?
  13. demosthenes

    Does anyone had Sea turtle before?

    Hey Krish, my Spanish teacher read that to us last Monday, as a part of Motivational Monday section called "And You Think Your Life Is Bad." Well, anyways, it was TWO Seals, and at about 100K a pop for their rehabilitation and such. Man, that was one expensive meal that they bought for that Whale.
  14. demosthenes

    OT: Spring Break

    Originally posted by yetex I am a broke college student so i will be staying home in Indiana. But it will save me some money that i will be putting towards my Vegas trip this summer when i turn 21. Everyone needs to go to vegas when they turn 21. Where else is a better place to get trashed and...
  15. demosthenes

    OT: Spring Break

    I'm going to our condo in Orlando, but one of my friends is going to Gatlinburg, and is all excited about going to Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies. Oh, what I would give to go there!
  16. demosthenes

    $650 for 3-400watt MH system?? good or bad?

    I don't know the link of the site, but I know that Mr Salty has a source that has very cheap MHs but has amazing performance and the like. Youl could ask him or do a search on here, but I know I would definitely look into it before you make a purchase. PS Just to give you an example, I think...
  17. demosthenes

    is it required?????

    Originally posted by Lebowski Skimerless, Filterless.:D Skimmerless, Filterless, Hopeless. Really though, nice looking tank. I also go against the use of Mechanical Filtration, I should mention though that I only use LR/LS and a Refugium to filter my tank, and any Mechanical Filtration...
  18. demosthenes

    Tank bowed...

    Okay, this won't really help you out or anything, but can you please post a pic of your tank, like a whole-tank shot. From the looks of it, it looks great, but I just love seeing whole-tank shots. PS As to whether you are deranged or missing something, I might not say "Yes" if I'm busy looking...
  19. demosthenes


    Originally posted by doodle1800 its not live sand - just rinse!! Like JWT said, you don't want to rinse it so that you can get the very fine silt as well. If you rinse it you lose a lot of the benefit of the sand. Also, to answer the question about getting the SD, it doesn't seem readily...
  20. demosthenes

    corals in a 10 gal

    Overanalyzer or Aggie05, do either of you happen to have a link to the South American nano? It was kept w/o any filters or WCs, and was a 7 gallon I think. He posted on Nano-Reef awhile back, maybe 6-8mos, with a bunch of info about his tank. If either of you happen to have a link could you...