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  1. phoenixfla

    Plz ID This Coral

    How long have you had it?
  2. phoenixfla

    Queen Conch Pictures

    Ok, I did a search on these forums and all the post that contain pictures of large queen conch are too old and the photos have been deleted. Can some of you please post? I understand Bang has a large one. I would like to get one, but want to make sure he wont soon outgrow my 135g. I would...
  3. phoenixfla

    post those pics of tangs

    Originally Posted by clown123 o thats good to here bc once hes cured looks like it would be a beautiful tang. He has gotten so much better since I got him. He used to hide all day (even with the old owner) and now he swims freely. I am giving a varied diet including lots of seaweed and broccoli.
  4. phoenixfla

    Please identify these

    Originally Posted by AW2 Not an Orange Shoulder Tang, IMO...even the juveniles have the dark "shoulder bar". Looks like a Mimic Tang or a juvenile Lemon Tang, to me. I think you nailed it. I found this: "The Mimic is peaceful and has flowing silk-like fins in contrast to the typical tang...
  5. phoenixfla

    Please identify these

    We have had the tang for about 2 months. He is nt a heavy feeder. Heaven knows I give them enough food. I hope there is nothing wrong with him. Think I should move him to another tank? The coral is definately not a colt. It is stiff, and more tree-like. I have a colt in the tank, however.
  6. phoenixfla

    Cant fit refugium because of center support?

    I came across a used sump at the LFS so I added it as a refugium. Water flows from tank to trickle, from there it is pumped to the refugium. It is then gravity fed back into the sump. I used a standoff tube so I can adjust the water height in the fuge. It also has a bulkhead higher just...
  7. phoenixfla

    Trigger Fish

    Originally Posted by AW2 You're missing the good information, mixed in with the bickering, though. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Kind of like Jery Springer meets Crocadile Hunter.
  8. phoenixfla

    post those pics of tangs

    Originally Posted by clown123 looks like mr.yellow tang there is getting beat up? No, it is Lateral Line Disease caused by stress and improper diet. The previous owner did not feed him veggies. He is getting better and he actually looks much better in person than in the pic.
  9. phoenixfla

    Post Your Hawkfish

    BigB - he is awesome. Are those things over him really part of his spines? What kind is he?
  10. phoenixfla

    post those pics of tangs

    Last one came with a tank we bought and we are nursing his HLLD. He is getting better though.
  11. phoenixfla

    Trigger Fish

    Originally Posted by AW2 Very cute Niger. Yours is passive and I've seen others that have been more aggressive than Queens and Clowns. Yes, I agree, and also they can get more agressive as they get older. I just figured I would start with the most passive and then cross the "killer" bridge if...
  12. phoenixfla

    Trigger Fish

    From what I have read the Niger Trigger is the most passive. Different fish, even from the same species can have different personalities. Here is mine: Keep them well fed!
  13. phoenixfla

    Post Your Hawkfish

    I just luv hawks!
  14. phoenixfla

    post full tank pics

    First 3 are our 125g, 4th is our 135g (recient purchase) and 5th is our 12g aqua pod
  15. phoenixfla

    Please identify these

    First 2 - sold to us as a yellow tang, but has a different bosy shape. To me it looks like a juvenile orange shoulder tang from what I have seen in books. Last pic - I believe it is a leather, but can anyone get more specific? Thanks
  16. phoenixfla

    Shaving Brush Bloomin'

    Mine has been multiplying like crazy also. The new shoots grow 1/4 inch a day!!
  17. phoenixfla

    things i need

    Originally Posted by Rockies tooth brush (exclusive) for working on tank parts, rock, etc. Oh no, you mean I should have an exclusive toothbrush for the tank???
  18. phoenixfla

    STUNG bY anemone?!?!?!

    Let me go try and I can report what it feels like! Ok, I am going now...................... .......................ok, I'm back. Just itches a little. Nothing to worry about. Wait a minute. What are those voices? Oh look at the cool colors!! Oh man, I'm covered with spiders...
  19. phoenixfla

    algae control

    We have a yellow eye kole's tang and he is the absoulte best! You would not believe how he keeps it. He is like a cow grazing all day long. We have a fighting conch that has been in the tank for a long time and had some algae on his shell - he even cleaned that off!!! I believe any of the...
  20. phoenixfla

    Quick question...

    The key elements in the cycle are Ammonia and Nitrites. Both are quite toxic to fish. Once your tank is cycled the Ammonia will be converted to Nitrites and then Nitrites to Nitrates. If there is any Ammonia or Nitrites then there should be no fish. Also - did you purchase "live sand"