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  1. phoenixfla

    Ahh...3 fish in the past month!!!Help!

    I would find 0 nitrates unusual with 3 fish in a 9 gallon tank. Even with routine water changes I would expect SOME nitrates. Also - how often do you top off? If it is not often then adding 1/2 gallon of water can change the salinity dramatically. In addition, if it is a 9 gallon tank, the...
  2. phoenixfla

    Quick question...

    Originally Posted by ruaround Slow down on the fish purchasing... in a 20 gal. IMO the 3 green chroms and maybe 1 clown and a clean up crew is more than enough... tang definitly wont do well AT ALL in a 20 gal... I agree on all accounts. Wait till larger tank is set up, and even then, let that...
  3. phoenixfla

    People in Florida wanna trade coral?

    Speg, Are you looking for anything in particular?
  4. phoenixfla

    Bulk heads

    I have purchased these at Ace Hardware. They are in the boating department and meant to be used on a boat. They were 6.99 for one that was about 1 1/2 inner diameter. They worked fine, but they did not come with a rubber washer, I had to purchase that seperate. I was not looking to save...
  5. phoenixfla

    2 sumps ?

    I agree with 1 large sump in basement. Look for used 55 gallon in newspaper (usually cheap) and use that. You could even add a refugium in it.
  6. phoenixfla

    What Is THIS???

    some nudibranches will eat coral. Is yours a reef tank?
  7. phoenixfla

    Cleaner Clams from Grocery Store

    Well I got them home and put them in a bucket. They immdiately started spitting water. Then then put out their output tube, some as long as an inch. I added 12 to the fuge of my 125 and 12 directly in my 135. I left them on top of the sand so if they die I will know and be able to pull them...
  8. phoenixfla

    Cleaner Clams from Grocery Store

    Originally Posted by Rappa What do you use, just regular "Steamers"? I purchased "little neck clams" they are about 1 1/2 inch across. That is what others were using on other posts. I dont know if clams would be effective to get nitrates down to 0, but I figured if they help, why not try.
  9. phoenixfla

    Can i get more fish?

    Well the truth is there is no 1 right answer. I believe it boils down to how much time do you want to spend on the tank. If you add another fish, you may want to step up the testing and water changes. My brother has a 90 gallon with a refugium with 3 fish (and inverts) and he literally has...
  10. phoenixfla

    Fission Nano-Skimmer

    I have had mine for about a week and 2 things I noticed: 1. The first few days it produces a lot of skimmate - but it is just basically water. After the first few days it seems to be working better. 2. Water level, water level, water level. I have noticed that moving it up or down in the sater...
  11. phoenixfla

    what do you all think

    How large is the tank? Here is an idea - place the CC in several flat containers, such as tupperware and place those on the bottom of the tank. When the sand comes in, remove 1 container of cc and add the sand (on the bottom of the tank) a week later remove another container and add equal...
  12. phoenixfla

    Can i get more fish?

    I would start by getting more cleaners. Maybe 12 more snails and 12 mor hermits. If you get rid of the SFE I believe you could add another fish. Take a look at the flame hawk fish, I love to watch mine and if you have a lot of rock he will like it in there. I forgot - do you have a skimmer?
  13. phoenixfla

    Cleaner Clams from Grocery Store

    My sand bed in my tank is about 2 inches deep, however the sand bed in my fuge is about 3 inches. I am planning to put them in the refugium. I would think you would want your sand deep enough that they can completely bury themselves in it, as they would in nature. I bought 24 today (12 for my...
  14. phoenixfla

    live rock question

    Originally Posted by ViPeR_930 The worms are most likely bristle worms, which are a beneficial part of the cleanup crew. No need to remove them. I agree. The vast majority of bristle worms remain small and just feed on leftover foods. Think of them as a free clean-up crew. There are a few...
  15. phoenixfla

    Cleaner Clams from Grocery Store

    I have a few questions for those who have had success with purchasing cleaner clams at the grocery store. 1. Were the clams you purchased on ice in the store or were they in some kind of tank of water. The ones at our stores are on ice, and while I imagine they are alive, I do not know how...
  16. phoenixfla

    Bringing down nitrates

    Question for those of you who purchased clams at the grocery store: Our grocery store keeps their clams on ice. While I am sure they are still alive, will they be able to survive being at such a low temperature? Did yours come the same way? If so did you warm them up slowly or just drop them in?
  17. phoenixfla

    Euro Reef Skimmer Question

    Ok, Thanks guys. I figures that since I was using all the existing live rock (About 200 lbs.) and all the existing sand (about 4 inches deep) it would be cranking out the skimmate immediately. Does anyone have the instructions that they can send me?
  18. phoenixfla

    Any of you have Wrasses?

    I have a six-line and he would not hurt a flea. Its pretty cool how he cruises the rock.
  19. phoenixfla

    Euro Reef Skimmer Question

    I reciently purchased a used 135 gallon tank which came with a Euro Reef Skimmer. When I set up the tank again at my home I used all the existing live sand and live rock, but I made up new water. I added the existing fish (Yellow Tang, 2 False Percula Clowns, Flame Hawk and Blenny). I have...
  20. phoenixfla

    My blenny loves his shell. (funny pic)

    Originally Posted by Appaloosa1 My clownfish has claimed a shell as his own. He's always in it, even though it was meant for my hermit crab. If I can't find him he's just all the way tucked into his shell! You have a hermit crab that will fit in that shell??? :scared: